Burn baby burn!

Ok so this is just a WIP. Not sure I can consider it done, but because I have been trying to make a post every day in order to get some more hits in this blog thing, here it goes...

Yes its our K3B app icon a new one for the new K3B coming soon.


Anonymous said…
Definitely an awesome icon, however, unfortunately similar too the icon of www.discoapp.com. I do applaud your icon making skills though, it's beautiful.
Pascal said…
Sweet icon!
wilq said…
I don't usually care much about graphical site of desktop [its beautifully that somebody do :)] but this icon really rocks!
Unknown said…
i really like this, but to differentiate it from the discoapp one, maybe you could change the number/direction of the flames? also a colour gradient could make them more realistic.
Anonymous said…
Great job!
A bit more yellow or orange flames please :-)
Anonymous said…
Nice icon! It should definitely be added to the Oxygen set, but for Brasero, not K3b. This is Brasero's icon: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Logo_Brasero.svg
Dread Knight said…
Anonymous is right, you're a bit of a copy cat :D and i was about to say i really like the icon (which i do), but seen the disco one before and i thought that's one hell of a nice designed application and website :)

Anyway, guess better a copycat than having some crappy icon.
Your version is better actually... flames are red and the cd is more relevant to the application's purpose. Keep up the good work! (maybe get rid of some of the small flame tongues?)
Dread Knight said…
Also, give the smaller icons more definition to contrast and saturation, because they lose definition and look very blurry, the cd especially.
Anonymous said…
I think you ought to make it more orange-ish or yellow-ish ... and maybe a little bit more fire-ish, too ;)
Nick said…
Isn't it in the KDE UI guidelines to not use visual puns which don't translate to other languages? Or maybe it was some other UI guidelines doc. People who do not speak english will probably not associate a CD on fire with the process of writing data to CDs
Tiago Cerqueira said…
Porra!!! Tu havias de ser pago para isto... Absolutamente fenomenal o teu trabalho ;)

You should be paid for this! It's absolutely amazing!!!
Pinheiro said…
Yeah this is not very original, alot of aplications use cd's and flames for burning cd's, but think the execution is very good, the flames unfurtunatly resemble that mac app, but im not gona redo it... maybe put the main one in the other side .... (somthing about weels people end up allyays doing it wth circls...
Anonymous said…
It's sexy!
I like it the way it is now
SVG Crazy said…
Great work as always...

Some questions...

Is this icon supposed to be a substitute of the one oxygen has now?

Will there be icons for all those actions on k3b too?
(For instance: New data project, copy medium.. etc)

K3b is themable. Will there be an Oxygen (or air) theme for k3b too?

Man, you are the best... I agree with Tiago...

Definitivamente tu TENS que ser pago... teu trabalho é maravilhoso. Parabéns
Pinheiro said…
Yes I'm going to try to do the entire KIIIB theming
Jo Øiongen said…
Incredible work man!

We owe you a lot for making KDE the most sexy desktop in the world :)
Chris said…
its soooooooo sad never seeing the 128x128 icons ever on the desktop :(

perhaps if we get 300 dpi screens in 20 years...
ZeD said…
The icon is very cool, but, IMHO, the flame are a bit too much "sharp"...
I mean, at first they seemed to me (the first on the left, the bigger) a bunch of red, curved blades coming out from under the CD...
Another thing... why do flames have shadows?!
Javi said…
Really cool! Great work!
SpOOnman said…
It's nice icon but it doesn't look like flame. It's more like a ribbon or scarf. It reminds me Firefox icon somehow - fox is "around" globe just like your scarf is "around" disc.

To be honest it doesn't look to me like it's something to burn CDs :( Sorry.
sravi said…
Very nice. But in the small icon, the CD is not visible. Probably you should refine it.
Anonymous said…
I liked the icon. K3B is my favourite tool to burn CD/DVD.
Autumn Autist said…
Great Job!!! Es muita bom!
Pinheiro said…
@Autumn Autist thanks alot :) you rock, well you realy do rock.
GortiZ said…
Nice work, but i think that it could be better with some more fire in the lower part :)
Ed said…
Some orange/yellow will convey the message of fire much better.

Otherwise very good
Rodrigo Fernandes said…
Está Excelente um dos meus preferidos :)

PS: damn tens mesmo jeito pra coisa!
Anonymous said…
CD image is very realistic, but the fire not. The fire is like the anime style; I prefer the current K3b icon.
Anonymous said…
si pones algo de amarillo, quedara mejor creo yo , pero esta bonito!
Unknown said…
Maybe try and shape the flames like a K or something...
Anonymous said…
Another source for inspiration:
Simone said…
Great job!!!
Anonymous said…
Wooohooooo!!! A new K3B and a beautiful new icon! :)
Anonymous said…
You know what the first thing that comes to mind when I see that icon is? Tentacles. It's something to do with the way the flames seem quite solid, while real flames are rather insubstantial.

I think a CD plus flames is the right way to go, even though it's hardly original, since the "burning" terminology is so deeply ingrained that CD + flames = CD writer app in people's minds.
Anonymous said…
I'm voting you for president.
Anonymous said…
"the flames [unfortunately] resemble that mac app"

@Pinheiro: Don't get me wrong, I love your stuff and really enjoy the images you come up with. But this isn't an original idea. The left side is structurally the same so close in fact I have trouble believing it was an unfortunate coincidence. It's similar enough that you were at least inspired by it.
Pinheiro said…
@ anonimous no I did not copied it, i did knew the icon and I wanted to do similar kinds of flames. But I did not copied it think I will invert the flames...
hate wen this happends :( .
Anonymous said…
Love it, maybe try mix in some yellow/orange along with the red...
kobzeci said…
It is hot :)
Anonymous said…
I think it's a great job. Put to good use. Thanks for the effort.. = )
Anonymous said…
No need to bust DVD's and CD's for your favorite tv shows. Now you can Watch TV Shows Online.

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