I'm going

This Friday I should be going to the Oxygen meeting #3 it is a joint event betwin, Kwin Plasma and Oxygen a sort of "all your rotten eggs in one big big basket" :). Personally I think this is one of the most important meetings for Oxygen. As i think that oxygen in 4.5 will reach maturity on the set of goals we decided a few years ago (5?). Oxygen set up to be a great number of things in what could be considered a silly over ambitious project. That would be... A complete icon theme for KDE and the KDE ecosystem. ( we ended up doing a bit more than this) A windeco theme. (that blended in perfectly with the window itself) A qt theme that would blend in, and was coherent, yet innovative in a classical non obstructive way, that was fully animated not because we could but because it creates a more polished experience with more intuitive and natural flow of information. A cursor theme. A sound theme. A plasma theme that should never be confused with the qt theme but yet retain the ...