Raptor! join the fun.

What is raptor? Raptor is a an amazing project i have been working in the last few days. It trays to be a fresh new way of finding your desktop applications, and interacting with its users.

It should be very easy to configure it to be in the way you want it to be.

And it will display more info about the application, what does it do and what for.

You can find more images here and the ground base document here.
Join us at #raptor to know more about thsi wonderful project.



Anonymous said…
I love your "future desktop vision". You have brilliant ideas. Thumbs UP!!!
Anonymous said…
Wait a minute, it's a mockup or a real screenshot? If it's a mockup, what's the state of the project?
Anyway, there's a typo in the last screenshot "Last used 20 mintes ago".
Anonymous said…
The PDF is interesting but there's a
*lot* of typos(haded instead of added, wen instead of when, pxcl instead of pixels, etc.)
I'm not a native English speaker but it surprised me.
Anonymous said…
I like it ! Good job Nuno.

And.... This wallpaper has to be the stadard wallpaper in kde 4 soooooo much ! its great, its better than all the mac os wallpapers i just love it.
Anonymous said…
What about menu groups? Does Raptor require you to have to type a keyword to get a group menu? Not everyone wants to have to type on a keyboard to get a menu group ie. "Games"
Anonymous said…
wow, i love these mock-ups. im really looking forward to use them.
just a question: where is the switch-off button?
Anonymous said…
By the way, the best thing is that the so-called "Hits Database" will not be based just on hits, but especially on the time of the day the application have been runt... so it will learn your habitudes, and try to help you in easing the use of your computer.
Anonymous said…
Those look excellent, I'm just wondering if those are mockups or a screenshot. I like how it takes up a minimal amount of space space but still has everything you need.
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
@Riccardo Iaconelli
read this :)
Anonymous said…
"an amazing project i have been working"

What an ego, with little to show.
Anonymous said…
Very nice but I believe that Nuno interface it's more appropiate for software like katapult or krunner.
Anonymous said…
The amazing part is the project like KDE is amzing, i just joined raptor a litle wile ago.
Anonymous said…
Looks like an iPhone
Anonymous said…
First of all, the mockups are really great. Keep up the good work!!!

Well, I didn't see options to manage switch user, logoff, restart computer, lock screen ... these kind of things. Maybe it would be really interesting to add a group named "Leave" or something at "New user action structured menu" to access these options.
Anonymous said…
First of all, the mockups are really great. Keep up the good work!!!

Well, I didn't see options to manage switch user, logoff, restart computer, lock screen ... these kinds of thing. Maybe it would be really interesting to add a group named "Leave" or something at "New user action structured menu" to access these options.
Anonymous said…
"What an ego, with little to show"

lol and what have you done lately?
Anonymous said…
The navigation methods sound good, and the look is great. I don't care for the top-level categories. Isn't there an opendesktop standard for menu categories? It seems that sticking with the old Office, Games, etc., categories would lessen the learning curve.
Maciek said…
Quicsilver goodness for Linux. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
hem... that page is a bit outdated, the final algorithm is a lot more sophisticated.
And trust me if I say that because *I* studied the case and prototyped it into a spreadsheet. ;-)
Anonymous said…
Thumbs up.and best of luck.

@interesting health articles
Anonymous said…
Looks really amazing :-) Personally I'm in doubt whether the automatic menu adaption is an improvement to static menus (see also http://psychology.wichita.edu/surl/usabilitynews/41/adapt_menus.htm for more details) - will be possible to turn this feature off?

Anonymous said…
Sorry, the last link did not work:

Anonymous said…
This looks awesome, a worthy menu adversary. many of the other options, like the suse thingy, can't remember the name, does not impress me much. This I would love to use.

And I'm not sure I would have logout and such nonsense on the application finder, it doesn't belong there. make that a part of the kicker(replacement) instead.

Two up Raptor team!
Anonymous said…
All the typos can easily be corrected
later on. This is a work in progress. I have to agree - the wow factor here is strong.
Best of luck guys.
Thomas DA said…
Gnome has some of those, but they doesn't sort applications by how many times you use them.

Does your code do so?

Sorting that way is nice, as I then only have to type "f" to get firefox, and not "firef" to distinct it from my firewall.
Anonymous said…
that's why I loath KDE. too damn overkill and verbose.

I`m implementing this same ting for ion3 --for ages now... i'm lazy :(

But why do you think that text besides the huge konkeror icon is useful?

change that for a screen shot or a simple diagram that gives up what the program do instead. much nicer if you wanna be overkill. also, i hope you can get to konkeror writing web or webbroser...

also wonder how long processing will take you just type a "k" there :)
Anonymous said…
is amazing :) :)

kde4 is great, brilliant.......
Anonymous said…
By the way, it'd be nice if instead of having to click 'right' or 'left' to scroll through the menu points when going left with the mouse the icons would move towards the mouse too !
Anonymous said…
yeah scrolling thorough the applications would be really nice in raptor, and if you move your mouse through the left or right, it would be nice if it appears the <- -> for moving through the applications, keep up the excellent work
Anonymous said…
Oh wow, this looks great! I do wonder if the introduction of new application groupings after it seems all the major DE's have finally settled into the OpenDesktop standard groupings is such a good idea. In any event it looks fantastic and functional and welcome step forward IMHO.
Evan Nemerson said…
Can you please call it something other than "Raptor"? There is already a Raptor.
Great Job ! I like it !
Anonymous said…
excelente ideia!
Anonymous said…
Great idea man, we need change the windows menu idea.....
Abraham Zamudio said…
que bien se ve , si seguimos asi microsoft no nos alcanza .
Iuri said…
Looks good, but I'm a little worried about how well it will work. The menu is a fundamental part of the desktop and should be really *fast*. If not, people will abandon it, and can cause a bad impression for the whole KDE experience.
So, I'll wait and see :)
Henry S. said…
The general interaction part seems very similar to Kickoff. You type something, and get instant results and you have a list of favorites. Feature wise, it doesn't seem all that impressive to me. UI wise, it looks pretty bad. I mean it looks pretty, but the horizontal scrolling doesn't seem like it would feel natural. And the size of it doesn't look like it solves the problem of huge quantities of applications.

The usage pattern thing would be new, but it is not mind-blowing. Seems to me, that someone could add that feature to Kickoff in a day's work. I guess I just feel by the time they add all the feature people will want (shutdown/hibernate buttons, favorites, search), it's just gonna be Kickoff with a different front-end.

I'm not trying to be overly critical. It just doesn't seem like this will be a main stream project or KDE default. With the current UI, it seems destined to become a niche thing like kbfx. Coincidentally, kbfx had a very different yet equally odd scrolling mechanism. Regardless of my opinion, I do wish success upon the project and its contributors and look forward to being proven wrong.
Anonymous said…
Ótima idéia e excelente design!
Não é à toa que Portugal é meu país favorito!
André Lira said…
Parabens pela ideia!
Fred Banionis said…
Super legal! Ele estará presente no KDE4, ou será uma ferramenta a parte?
Anonymous said…
I wonder if you are aware of dasher for typing text without keyboard (http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/dasher).

I thought that one could use the idea and do a "menu" (placed like the one in OSX) where a move downwards would bring you deeper in the hierarchy, a move upwards higher, and right/left change between the categories or applications. One should use nice (and descriptive icons) that grow bigger the closer you are to select that category/application, and shrink when you change your mind and go backwards or move sideways. It's kind of like the application bar in OSX but would have a second dimension giving the hierarchical structure of a menu.

The advantage to a standard menu would be that you wouldn't need to be so precise with your mouse -- I hate browsing a menu and accidentally selecting a wrong subcategory -- and as shown by dasher, an experienced user can become extremely fast in finding just the right alphabet/application.
Anonymous said…
would be great if one could start raptor in the center of the screen and not need a k-button.
it would be a great replacement for katapult which still wants to give me "konquest" instead of "konqueror" when i enter "konque"...
Anonymous said…
@ henry s.
Yes its similar to kickof in some way's dough I wasen't looking at kickof wen I was thinking about it.
I realy did not liked the visual concepts under kickof. Sorry.
I don't find horzontal mostly one line visual scroling harder than multiple line scroling. If anything more easy.
About the size, from what i have seen kickoff has the size problem aswell, cant show infinite apps all at wonce maybe 12 or 15, right? We can display by defoult up to 10 the user can make that much more like kickof its recisable. but the fact that its ahs the database thing under will help us alot couse the most used apps and probaly the app you are loking for will be there on that frist scren no need to scroll and couse the sapce is so small and the icons so big the fit's law values you will get wil be much beter in raptor than in kickoof.
specily couse the most important stuf with high database ratio will be bigher.
Not to mention the advantages to linux newcomers that an more extencive aplication description will have, specilay if combined with the database.
Geass said…
I love linux...You are the future...Congrulations my friends...
Anonymous said…
Bacana mesmo.... estou curioso para ver isto rodando no meu desktop.... PARABÉNS
Anonymous said…

I would like to encourage you to continue working on this!
I looks pretty neat.
Is there any code yet?

Anonymous said…
Hey !

You should allow tagging for applications, or provide a good
default-set of tags within the programs description e.g for Firefox "explore internet, browse, webbrowser, www".
There should also be an opportunity to set shortnames, like typing "ff yt"
would launch www.youtube.com with firefox.

Henry S. said…

I didn't realize that it was resizeable...I hope you can get a more vertical look. I do look forward to trying Raptor out. My comments were just first impressions based on screenshots. I am hoping that it will turn out to work. I also do not like the visual concepts of Kickoff....so if Raptor can provide the same features and more, under a visually pleasing interface...I will love it.

The reason I mentioned the scrolling is because I really liked kbfx, but hated the scroll up/down links. It should of used a regular scrollbar like kickoff. It doesn't have to be an ugly gray scrollbar...it could be part of the theme.

One idea I have for the horizontal scrolling is to have a slider instead of a horizontal scrollbar...sort of like the volume widget in Amarok. Small and sleek.
Lopes said…
Why don't you do a survey like the openSUSE community ones?
The users could answer the survey and the results could be released like graphics.
I guess this' the better way to obtain informations about usability.
Anonymous said…
Looks amazing, so would be nice to see in KDE4 ...
Anonymous said…
It's not necessary that everytime I will be interested in typing first few characters of the application name. Maybe because I am more inclined towards mouse-only interaction.

In this usecase, sidescrolling through the horizontal menu may become painful. Basically what I am suggesting is that the switch from Adaptive to List based search should be seamless and preferably in a vertical list or some zooming grid UI...
claudiomet said…
WWWOW...!!! AWESOME... IDEA, congratulations.
I just love this! Great work! I also like very much the task bar in the mockups and the wallpaper! (Where can I get the wallpaper? :)
Wazzu said…
Who said Gnome was for stupid users? Now Kde is too!
Great stupid-oriented step forward!
Instead of doing things better, they'll make it just pretty
Anonymous said…
Personally, I don't have any use for favorites, the most used apps are directly on my panel, and for the rest I just want them to be in categories, to be able to find them fast.
An other problem is, when the menu looks different every time I open it, because it arranges the applications in an other order.
These things should have an option to switch them off.

What I really liked was a mockup made by nookie: http://nookie.kbfx.org/pics/raptor/
especially pic5:

The icons are also big enough for the nice oxygen icons and fit's law. I think it gives a much better overview and navigation would be faster, if the categories are well chosen.
Since you have to click on a category to appear on the right, there is also not the problem that you accidentally select a wrong subcategory, you don't have to be so precise with your mouse.
Henry S. said…
Who knew that "Start Menu" designs would be so controversial. The good thing is that we have many people trying different things...and we can let the laws of nature sort it out (survival of the fittest).

Maybe there is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Perhaps we are destined to having an array of designs living side-by-side....we are already seeing this with Opensuse and Vista having the optional "Classic Menu" in addition to their new styles.
Gabriel Hurley said…
Finally: an innovation in launcher menus. If KDE4 comes with Raptor, I'm switching.
Anonymous said…
You have got to be KIDDING me!!; I was surfing around after continuing to see the proliferation of "Kickoff". Hugely disappointed in the persistance of the tree launcher. I was actually making a mockup of a launcher bar "inspired" by the Mac OS 10.4 dashboard widget dock and it's great management of desktop real estate. And I see that people smarter and better are on it, and that the promise of the KDE4 desktop revolution is alive and well. Long Live Raptor! Long Live Oxygen and Plasma!
Anonymous said…
Very good
Anonymous said…
This is one of the most sexy looking start menus I've seen. Keep up the developing. :D
F S said…
It's quite an impressive idea piheiro, but is it gonna make it in KDE4 or it's just a proposition? I'm really looking forward to have it on my KDE desktop. Another reason to use KDE!
Anonymous said…
Pinheiro, everyone I've shown this to thinks its hot. Huge two thumbs up.
Anonymous said…
why is raptor stalled? it doesn't look like there is much attention to it at all.

unfortunately, i think kickoff sucks.

the same with lancelot.

we need raptor.
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Anonymous said…

""an amazing project i have been working"

What an ego, with little to show."

Do you even know who this guy is?
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