2 More channels, the analog one is based on the one we have now in devices just made it gold, the digital one will work better on a non white background because it has a light sparkle.
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Anonymous said…
I have no idea which one is which. How about using the same picture and putting a "0011010010011" below the digital one ?
The bottom one is digital. The top one is a normal jack plug.
Still, something like a sine wave and square wave might be clearer.
Up arrow + green sine wave = analogue in Up arrow + red square wave = digital in Down arrow + green sine wave = analogue out Down arrow + red square wave = digital out
Agreed with the anonymous poster above. I don't want to sound like I'm flaming because I honestly think you do great work while I know what an analog connector looks like, I've never seen the digital connector. If I knew one was "analog" and one was "digital" I could figure it out by process of elimination, but if I saw these lined up with a bunch of other icons I would be really hard-pressed to figure this out. I think a lot more people who don't know how to recognize these connectors will be left in the dark!
On the other hand, "context counts", so maybe if there are text labels that are visible this would work a little better...
At any rate, whether or not the icons are appropriate for the task at hand they do look really good! :)
Anonymous said…
Those icons are really nice. And I can see a difference, don't know why other don't. But what about a red sparkle? Last time I looked at a Macbook it was indeed red.
It would be nice if you could show how all the kmix icons you've created so far look together. Just displaying them each doesn't give the whole picture :-)
Calm down, calm down… they are only icons, and they would be finally accompanied by text in KMix – and instant recognisability isn’t really a priority in this case.
the most dificult icons are usulay the ones that are the most technical ones, the ones we know less about... and the ones 2 diferent persons view in 2 difrent ways, also the small icons are a real pain, couse i cant doo all the details one can do in a a big icon. this kmix icons are excatly like that... I'm doing my best to try to convey the rather complex and tecnical difrences betwenn each one of them ...
Note right now (kde 3.x icons). most of those channels use the same icon for what they do, and no one complained :)
Anonymous said…
If noone complained that they were the same, just keep them the same and add the binary string to the digital one, the same way as for the PCM channel.
Of course I see that the icons are different, and when looking closely the upper one indeed looks more like a normal analog plug, but the differences are really small. Without looking closely, I just see two small longish yellow thingies which look quite similar, so for me it adds more confusion than it helps.
I'm also not sure making them yellow (golden) helps, I think just grey for "metal" may be easier to recognize. I think there are many non-technical users who don't even know that there are golden plugs.
@Alex I think they are difrent enough and every body knows the gold ones are the best :).... at least the type of person that cares about a mixer with an digital input...
Anonymous said…
"anlagog imput" is... let's say a bit too creative use of english language.
Air was the wallpaper we introduced in KDE 4.2, but that is just the beginning of something larger. Air is supposed to be different than what Oxygen is, something that tries to appeal to a user base looking for a more "sexy" experience than Oxygen (yeah I know you are out there :) ), but to still have the capability of merging nicely with what we have now. The first thing we started working on was a Plasma theme. Plasma, with it's immense plasticity and a fantastic coder team, allows us to try to push for new ideas. Another extremely cool thing about Plasma is it's ability to become anything you want it to be. So a user in KDE 4.3 might have a desktop that looks like this, if that is his wish, without having to use external software: (click for fullscreen mode) This is an example of how simple one can make a desktop in the 4.3 Plasma once we all manage to get all of our plans working. The new systray speck will help, the work being done on the task bar will allow you ...
What is raptor? Raptor is a an amazing project i have been working in the last few days. It trays to be a fresh new way of finding your desktop applications, and interacting with its users. It should be very easy to configure it to be in the way you want it to be. And it will display more info about the application, what does it do and what for. You can find more images here and the ground base document here . Join us at #raptor to know more about thsi wonderful project. DIGG
Hopefully in the next few days I should have a Usability test that I have been working on with Björn Balazs from apliki.de on the K3B icons in that study I will pose the same question I'm about to pose now. And hopefully a few more options, that will come from the feedback of this post. So the question is...... "Data cd" 1 or 2?.... 1 2 Don't think to hard, just fire the first thing that pops in your mind, that is the best way to judge a icon IMO..also if you have an better idea please share...I will try to include it in the usability test. P.S Ofcourse the numbers will have to be redone for each size and the document as well... Its one source file for each icon. meaning this one = 14 files 7 png's and 7 svgz's.
How about using the same picture and putting a "0011010010011" below the digital one ?
Still, something like a sine wave and square wave might be clearer.
Up arrow + green sine wave = analogue in
Up arrow + red square wave = digital in
Down arrow + green sine wave = analogue out
Down arrow + red square wave = digital out
something like that
On the other hand, "context counts", so maybe if there are text labels that are visible this would work a little better...
At any rate, whether or not the icons are appropriate for the task at hand they do look really good! :)
But what about a red sparkle? Last time I looked at a Macbook it was indeed red.
Note right now (kde 3.x icons). most of those channels use the same icon for what they do, and no one complained :)
Of course I see that the icons are different, and when looking closely the upper one indeed looks more like a normal analog plug, but the differences are really small. Without looking closely, I just see two small longish yellow thingies which look quite similar, so for me it adds more confusion than it helps.
I'm also not sure making them yellow (golden) helps, I think just grey for "metal" may be easier to recognize. I think there are many non-technical users who don't even know that there are golden plugs.
I personally like both icons very much! I also enjoy your recent boost in blog posting.
Keep it up.