KDE 4.2 Rocks! I told you so.

Well the last few weeks I have been able to build trunk in my machines, and I have to say that KDE is looking great. I'm not afraid to show my kde 4.2 next to a Leopard or a Vista. Of course its not as polished as a leopard, but it has its how strong selling points, or not as ... don't know how to compare it with Vista (I personally find Vista, humm... bad) The funny thing is that, it is exactly how I thought this was going to go. And I had this clear notion more than 2 years ago, wen we were fighting to get 4.0 out. At the time I thought that 4.0, I would not be able to use, (I wasn't well cause my distro did not made a version of it, and I was not brave enough to build it myself :) ), 4.1 would be usable and already better in some way than my beloved 3.5, (and it is, I use it all the time and cant get back to 3.5), and 4.2 would be on pair with the competition better in some ways, worst in others, And from my test so far its exactly so, its an amazing desktop very polis...