
Showing posts from April 19, 2009

Almost done mixing!

Ok I must admit I'm getting tired of this icons :D, but I tried to make them better than last iteration and less confusing... the first one is the "pc-speaker", I have no better idea than this, and honestly I think its pretty good :P, secondly I made the "mic boost" using a red emblem with an arrow up, and finaly made the "record" channel's like a record button with a printed mic emblem.... Hope you guys like it!

Mixing them all up!

Some one asked me to show all of the kmix icons together, and if some one asks I obey :), any way I think it only makes sense, so here its goes the almost complete icon theme from KMix in oxygen style. Currently I think its only missing, default PCM, pc speaker, and surround center. So in order we have, master, front, surround, LFE, PCM, front mic, front mic boost, line, cd, mic, mic boost, headphone, digital line, record master, and finaly record secundary.

Digital and anlagog imput.

2 More channels, the analog one is based on the one we have now in devices just made it gold, the digital one will work better on a non white background because it has a light sparkle.

Geting back to KMix.

Made a new version of the LFE icon to better say sub-wolfer, an icon for the PCM channel (digitally converted analog wave) and the CD channel .

Burning the small icons

Today's post is a very quick one to show yesterdays icon in the small sizes.. Hope you like it, 22x22 still needs a bit of tweaking and maybe oxygen master David Miller will pull some of his usual magic. but for now I'm going to get back to KMix and the rest of k3b icons and theming... I will keep you posted.

Burn baby burn!

Ok so this is just a WIP. Not sure I can consider it done, but because I have been trying to make a post every day in order to get some more hits in this blog thing, here it goes... Yes its our K3B app icon a new one for the new K3B coming soon. DIGG