The power of team work

Some months ago when the #kwin Channel was created I decided to stop by and ask the wonderful people there about some weird ideas I had about shadows and fixing the bad windec corners on Oxygen. Luckily Lucas Murray had the patience to listen to me and actually something was started. Basically we can now provide custom shadows for kwin and that includes active shadow and inactive shadow. The big bonus we got was that we can now ship shadows that include our corners without the aliasing problems. Casper Boemann endured me all weekend long moaning about pixels so we could get this results... I Must say I'm extremely happy with the results it seemed like something impossible to get just a a few months ago. On another front we managed to get rid of the not so pretty scrollbars we had thanks to the fantastic and amazingly fast work of Huynh Huu Long. This is the result... . Its a fantastic experience working with such a wonderful group of people that can get toguether and produce...