Take the test

I'm just back from the GCDS. and had a great time there with all of the KDE people and some of the gnome people as well. I had the opportunity to finally meet the tango people and they are great :). Juts like us they the best they can to make the open source desktop rock. My talk was about 2 things, the KDE open service, (got great feedback from several distros about it) and the making the desktop you need... (another way of saying I don't guess what the user wants and its better to ask). So every 15 days we will be conducting icon test on http://www.oxygen-icons.org/survey/ , there is no wrong answer just good ones, ask everybody you know to take it, I'm very interested on the opinions of the people that use the computer occasionally and never used KDE. The first test is about some icons in K3B, its very fast to do the test, follow the link and see all the wonderful stuff http://www.apliki.de/ did for us, find out more in http://www.usability-methods.com/en . The first ...