Back to our basic desktop.

In the last weeks I been spending more than a fair bit of time working on what I consider the basic desktop, you know what we usually know as KDE that will be reincarnated soon in 4.10... The focus so far as been mostly in decluttering most of the visual junk that had no functionality, In a way making our KDE more simple without making it more "dumb". So far I'm happy with a new wallpaper still a W.I.P. (I for some reason hallways need to start with a new wallpaper canvas.) Me and Marco Martin moved into clean air a "bit" and I'm really happy with the progress so far. We are also trying to improve some fundamental aspect of oxygen windeco in correlation with how apps can use it, for example letting apps use some features of oxygen automaticly. The test app for this as been decided to be Gwenview. And if all goes well we get this on kde 4.10..... Sooooo, I start to look at the app this week end and I notice that the Background is a solid dull ...