
Showing posts from October 30, 2005

Two weeks ago i went to this event in my home country, it had some lectures about OSS, an among others they had the privilege of having kde developer Josef Spillner, i just made it to the last day of the conference, but i manage to atend de Kde vs. Gnome lecture. Well it went lot better than i expected, zero casualties and no injuries :) from the gnome side we had Juan José Sánchez Penas, and on our side we had Josef Spillner. I managed to say some things myself and the debate went pretty well. But what made me think was the fact that i was the only Portuguese guy that actually was working on one of the projects!!! That did it i decided i was going to create a LUG. The idea was popping on my head from time to time but i did never got the time to take it forward, only to discover that the satatus of things would not change, so wy be plain tired wen you can be extremely tired. ;) i had some contacts of some local kde user and already knew yagami (working a bit on kopete related stuff). W...

Oxygen, much more than just an icon theme.

In the last months i din't had much time for blogging, but that was great, couse i'm spending all of my spare time and some of my other time ;) in this great project, Oxygen. And what is so exyting about one more icon theme? Well it is not just an icon theme! It is that but its so much more. One of the new things we are talking about in the oxygen group is the possibility of light efects on svg, depending on external factors, like position on scren. Zack over at Troltech is implementing a realy nice engine to render svg into qt and one of the ideas is to make special inclusions into the svg code so that we can make the svg more "interavctive". And this kinda stuf can then be seen all over kde, in widgets, decorations, special made websites, and not just icons. One more thing i hope to keep doing wille at the oxygen group is layouts for kde related pages, one of the last ones i did was this but this one cam...