More frisbees.

Yeah that's what become sooner or later, well some I still have some very old disk's around for media that i care a lot, and I should really make backup copy's of them before time plays a trick on them. Attention you should place them for recycling in the end. ;) The DVD one now (64x64, and 22x22 need a bit of work..)..... I made some improvements to the other ones btw. The poll running on the side, seems to be getting interesting , with a tight fight between "finishing the icon set" and "working on the widget theme". P.S. update. after making this post I realized that the DVD logo could use some pixel tweaking in the 64x64 128x128 and 256x256... and here is the result. As usual you can check the svgz sources for each of them in kde svn, in kdesuport. Btw if you are wondering were you might find them... type this in your console 'svn co svn://' of course after installing subversion and going...