4.3 Is arround the corner! I need you!

Do you take great pictures? Does every one says that you rock as a photographer? Do you love KDE? If your answer was yes to this 3 questions you should be sending me 1 just 1 of what you believe is your best wallpaper photo, so that we can include it as one of the new wallpapers included in Kde 4.3. I will be selecting 2 of them to replace some of the old ones we have from 4.2. In this release I wont include nothing from me only remove some of my old ones. (there is to much nuno in kde as is) Only 1920x1200 or bigger wallpapers will be accepted. Only wallpapers containing the full name of the photographer and a reference stating the license (lgpl v3 is beter) will be reviewed. I wont release the ones that don't make the cut! (the original creators keep them and can reevaluate the license as they see fit.) The criteria for selection is purely mine, I will ask for opinions from the oxygen crew and the kde marketing people. Dead line one week from now :) I will show the winners here ...