
Showing posts from September 27, 2009

What have I been up to?

So much stuff. First thing first, icons yep that what I do mostly, one of the nice aspects of working in KDAB is being closer to people that work on several other stuff in kde that you tend not to talk in a regular basis, like Pim people for example, so after work latly I have been doing lots and lots of pim icons, its a total remake of the ones we had, basacly making them look a bit better on a new color sckeam im prepping up for KDE 4.4 and Oxygen. (nothing major just a fix for low quality screens that ma ke oxygen widget theme look like "snow white", no no preview yet I'm still testing some solutions and maybe we will need to tweak oxygen main gradients a bit, btw hpereira as been working on several aspect of oxygen as well, and the new oxygen windeco looks great). Any way back to icons, so this is just a snapshot of what I been up to as oxygen and icons goes since last post. P.S. not all icons are mail icons obviously.