Freeze yesterday, freedom today!

Yes yesterday we manged to commit the rest off the artwork for 4.2 including a new wallpaper "HighTide" by Johan Thelin Little Brother, Patrik E. Thelin. Thanks to David Betio for his work here. Also managed to update the splash screen and KDM artwork to 4.2, thanks Aaron and Loïc Marteau. Did a a lot off bug fixing for oxygen icon bugs. Only 5 remaining. :). Overall I must say I'm quite proud of the work we done in the 4.2. So now I'm planing on what to do the next 6 months for the 4.3. We have some application icons to do already like Quassel, or the network plasma icons, we need to continue the Koffice icon set adventure, and the normal never ending polishing of oxygen icons... We also plan to do some more touch ups to the oxygen widget theme. and start working on subtle animations in it. Next month many of the Plasma people are coming over here for the exciting Tokamak meeting in Porto, organized by ISEP , great new ideas cooking up there, from my end I plan to s...