Working like never before
In the past months i have been working more than i ever did in my intire life, the good thing is that i'm not to tired. So what have i been up to? Well Oxygen mostly, i decided to redo most of the action icons, and try to presuit a new way of expresing them, must say i think its is working, also david's icons are loking sweet and kenenth made an amasing joob on some icons of its own. Spread kde site, well some work there, but i have "seen the light" and think i will try to push in a slightly diferent direction. Phonon site, done joob! The site should be hiting the fans some time soon. Some koffice icons, in the old crystal style. I have been talking to the koffice guys, and we have come to an understendment to join their icon set with the one i make for openoffice so this time koffice will have a truly complete icon set. All of the oo.o icon theme plus the koffice theme rounds up to more than diferent 1100 icons so big joob in front of me for the coming months. If ...