Back to fire.

Fire in the sense of burning, aka K3B "Burn Baby Burn".I did not have a hamburger, but I'm slowly getting the designer mojo back.
also took the opportunity to make some hidef icons for some devices. like for example example....
and the old time favorite floppy disk, just for fun, really, I know no one uses them any more :).


Anonymous said…
Nice work! Too bad I don't use floppies anymore, I really like the icon :p
Anonymous said…
The IC and the floppy are great. Really.
wilder said…
Aaah, good old memories of when I drilled a hole in each and every one of my double density floppies to "convert" them to high density as soon as I got a HD floppy drive.

The (DD) floppy icon is great, as every other oxygen icon :P
Anonymous said…
Too bad floppies are (largely) used no more. The icon is very very cute
Darkstar said…
These icons look great! I especially like the microchip, and the shutter of the Floppy.

However, your floppy seems to be a bit out of proportion. I actually have some of them lying around here for reference, and they have a wider label space (i.e. the label goes further to the sides), and a smaller arrow at the bottom. And the shutter also looks a bit out of proportions although I can't tell exactly how without measuring it.

Nevertheless, great work!
Pinheiro said…
@Darkstar even dough we work in a lot of detail we tray to amke the icons as close as possible between theme selfs in their several sizes, the target size for the floppy was 32x32 so every size up got a but stuck with the proportions of the 32x32 icon.
Ricard Marxer said…
wow, these icons look great. Could that floppy be used for the Save icon?

for the CD with the film thingy, the reflection looks a bit weird, because at first sight I thought it was a shadow, and that the white parts of the film thingy were translucent. Only later I understood that it could be a reflection.

anyway, you are a fantastic designer.
johndrinkwater said…
Great work on the icons!
Have a small nit though - the floppy disc has holes on boths sides, the one on the right (yours is on the left) was the read-only flag, the one of the left was for guidance and always open.
You also could not see the sliding channel, as that was on the backface
Anonymous said…
If you'll permit me to be a smartarse for a second...

The standard package for NAND flash chips is the TSOP48. I'm assuming the chip is meant as a storage icon.

Beautiful icons though.
Tim said…
More nit-picking. There appears to be a shadow in the shutter that shouldn't be there.

Otherwise they look awesome.
Pinheiro said…
@ to the kind smartarse it is a memory storage icon. (most of that is d-millers work)
@johndrinkwater nope not all flopy did had holes in bowth sides, i was the type of person that drilled holes in some 2
@Tim yeah there is, i should have refactured that 2 its a 32x32 thing :)
Darkstar said…
@Pinheiro: ok, that makes sense.

@johndrinkwater: You're wrong, this is obviously a double density disk, not a high density one ;-)

see for more info
Pinheiro said…
@Ricard Marxer it is the save icon :)

The reflexion is only visible in the 256x256 icon other version dont have it.
Norky said…
Nice work indeed. Too bad hardly anyone uses floppies anymore. For a DD floppy the hole is on the wrong side btw. What about an Iomega REV icon?
mofux said…
beautifull. the brushed metal is great on the floppy
jocaferro said…
I'm trying to ressurect an 1997 laptop.
No CD nor USB, US keyboard layout and the solution is:
- taram -> dk!

With Damn Small Linux, of course.
Unfortunately, with DSL = no kde. :-(


PS: Tested Fedora 11 kde. Great!
Anonymous said…
i did not "have" a hamburger (you wish you had one!!! soo good!)
i "have" a hamburger (present tense ie. you're holding it!)
i "had" a hamburger (past tense, it's in your stomach!)

your English still rocks by the way. this is not meant to be mean or anything!!
Anonymous said…
I want my floppy drive back! That icon looks way cool!!
Anonymous said…
Perhaps a synonym for burning a CD/DVD could be filling a CD/DVD: So you could try to draw an empty, glassy CD that is filled (silver, reflecting) only partially. Perhaps with a bucket that fills the silver color into the CD similar as the fill-color function in gimp, etc.
arab said…
You damaged my brain, it's on fire now. The floppy image/icon is so f*** awesome i can't properly express it ;)

Pinheiro said…
@"I did not "have" a hamburger" Its fixed anow thank you so much.
Anonymous said…
The reflection behind the "movie thingy" is not correct. In reality you only can see that reflection if you look the icon from a "lower position". If you look the icon at the same level, you shouldn't see a reflection because it's behind the "movie thingy".

In spanish: Se que sos brasilero asi que tal vez me entiendas mas si hablo en español. La reflexión en el CD no esta correcta. Solo se veria esa reflexion en caso de que uno mire al icono desde abajo. Si uno lo mira de frente no tiene porque ver esa reflexion (la reflexion esta detras del "coso negro ese").

De todas formas, gran trabajo! Sigue asi.
Anonymous said…
Me encanta el icono del integrado!!

Creo que ayudas mucho a la comunidad KDE, Sigue asi!
Pinheiro said…
@Anonymous si te entiendo pero no soi brasilenho pero Portugues casi la mesma cosa :) pero sin la alegria e com mucho mas fado.

About the reflexion you are correct but icons are more descriptive imagery than correctness.
johndrinkwater said…
Heh, excuse me for expecting it to be HD, but the slider is still on the wrong side ;)
Pinheiro said…
@johndrinkwater yes it is, ist an hybrid :Pnot going to change it to much work :P
Anonymous said…
Cool Icons!

How did you made the structure on the floppy metal and on the plastic of the ic?

Best regards
Pinheiro said…
"How did you made the structure on the floppy metal and on the plastic of the ic?"

With Hard work :) the source svg file pretty much explains the tricks involved there.

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