The last of the Kmix.
FINALLY committed the stuff to SVN under /22x22/actions/ and also the source svgz's. The entire set is named kmix-***** maybe the naming need to be reworked into mixing-****. any way the kmix developer can now point to the new icons.
Lately I have been thinking on selling stuff KDE/theming oriented, like for example themed folders icons in star trek style, plasma themes that are in a Dune like atmosfere etc... Do you think its a good idea and if so would you like to read about it on my blog post's.
Lately I have been thinking on selling stuff KDE/theming oriented, like for example themed folders icons in star trek style, plasma themes that are in a Dune like atmosfere etc... Do you think its a good idea and if so would you like to read about it on my blog post's.
I have doubts that there is a market for what you think of, but maybe I'm wrong.
With Linux running ARM netbooks on their way you could try to provide manufacturer themed Icon sets. These could include additional Icons for support websites and special applications....
Example I submited a talk for Akademy that got aproved, but I dont know how am I going to pay for the travel in advance or the room/food...
Finding some method that makes sence and provides some minimum income would help alot...
However Pinheiro could pitch himself to OEMs as an expert subcontractor to create these themes or to advise their people. An example set of OEM branding elements provided as -branding packages for a couple of popular distros, for Plasma theme, wallpaper, selected icons, splash, default font, Konqueror/kmail/khelpcenter branding etc would demonstrate how easy and flexible KDE 4 is for OEMs to put a distinctive identity on and get Pinheiro some work.
Me, I'd prefer a few Oxygen icons for Network Management - a 'network-connection' icon, strong/medium/weak/no encryption icons, a range of wireless signal strength icons, and a 'connecting' animation that can work for wired/wireless/cellular and vpn connections :).
However, if you made a complete exclusive KDE theme -- I'd be happy to buy it.
I'd really also like to see it only be a paid exclusive for a certain time period. i.e. After you finish the next "paid" theme you're working on, the old one goes to the public domain / FOSS community. Or something like that, would seem to compliment the open source approach / interests with a way to actually make some cash.
Im reading a book on the principles of design one of the things they say is to be extremly atentious about the free stuf you do and risk of financial instability. and they were talking about ocasional pro-bono work. All I want to achive is a some sort of ecosystem were my love work can also make a minimum amout of sence, for me and specialy my family. Justyfying 6 to 10 hours a of work every day wen you dont have money to pay the rent is very complex.
There is only one way to find out whether there actually is a market: invest the time to make a theme and then try to sell it.
Additionally, you are shutting out a substancial market if you restrict yourself to *JUST* a KDE theme. The icons that follow the freedesktop icon naming should work on GNOME as well. Throw in Icons for the major GNOME apps and you double your potential market (Ubuntu and RedHat are GNOME distributions by default)...
Your work is a big part of KDE's good Desktop Experience Mark S. mentioned in many interviews.
I didn't win EuroMillions yet, but If I'll win someday my foundation will sponsor you.
I know at least 3 that I would like to help if I could.
I'd really suggest to have the icons more symbolic and differentiable meaning, that would make it more clear for the users.
the size is a requierment, the detail thing,,, if you can think of sybology that actualy says all of that suf great... I couldt think of anything but trying to mare real life repesentations of what they were...
Not everything can be a road sign, and not all road signs are good actulay I know qite a couple that are very.... "interesting"
As for selling themes based on someone else's intellectual property (Dune, Star Trek, etc.) you should be very careful with that one. You don't want lawyers knocking on your door.
I actually don't see why Canonical didn't hire you when they formed their Desktop Experience Team to work full-time on KDE.
were have you read that???
The news is quite old but I am referring to this: (the first thing that came up when I googeled it),339028227,339291948,00.htm?feed=pt_open_source
Maybe I am mistaken and spreading confusion. (Sorry if so)
I'd very much like to give something back to you, for the wonderful work you've done for KDE...
However, money isn't really my bright side either since I am a student.
But, judging by the quality of all your work I'd be ready to pay $10 for a plasma theme for you.
Maybe you could use the paypal feature on kde-look to make this reallity?
If you keep the low entry price tag (like you said 0.5 - 1 euro) and try to spread the word around (planet***, ***-look, your blog) there actually might be market for that.
I'll surely buy your first theme, and possibly all others if they keep being interesting, nice and complete.
Have you thought of making remakes of other platforms' interfaces? I'd gladly pay for a decent Windows _classic_ theme (no, Qt's one is not even close). Might be legally tricky, though.
The link is the best summary I could pick straight off google, but the idea is to pitch a story/game/icon set/theme/whatever and pledge to release it into the public domain (or in the case, under the LGPL) when a donation threshold has been met. Probably it would work to trickle pieces out as donations come in.
Maybe you've already heard of this, maybe it won't work for you, but I thought I should give the idea an airing.
the problem i see with pleage to relece under lgpl after is that to the person that got it for 1$ he might feel like he was skamed... so I had to pay 1$ and now its free....
After writing that I realised how
litle sence it makes :) 1$ is almost free and you get the benefit trying it frist...and helping the comunity....
And don't forget who your market is, free software users. I'm sure 90% of them will be glad to see stuff going to the community.
Also, at first I was imagining you charging ~$15 for a theme, and still would've been happy to buy it. But if they're only going to be a dollar or two, I'll make sure to keep my collection up to date.
P.S. I'm sorry about your financial situation and can see why it's difficult. I hope you find a way to make this work. But on behalf of everyone, thanks for what you have done and will do. :) And I really hope you've enjoyed doing doing it for us it.
I do sooooo much its bewond love, thats the reson i have to make this work couse it would be the biguest faliour of my life.
I do think we did a spetacular joob so far and it would brake my heart if real life litle issues would stand in the way of mantaining this work, this is the prowd of my life.