Korgac icon, new version.

The last version of the Korgac icon was not making most people happy for it had a Warning feeling to it, the "!" was not working dough it seamed like a good idea wen I was making it. The bell was the way to go, but I had some bad experiences making realistic bells in the past.
So the idea popped out in my head to make the bell in a more figurative way using the usual information signs we use in Oxygen icon set...

Btw I hope all of you have a very happy Easter, with lots and lots of chocolate


Tomasz Dudzik said…
You're always creating something amazing. These are beautiful, too. Especially the bell :D
Unknown said…
Beautiful. How long until this is the default in trunk? It's definitely ready.
Angel Blue01 said…
That bell looks like the old Bell logo (from the AT&T monopoly) I'm sorry to say. Maybe color the bell yellow?

The rest of it looks great!
Anonymous said…
Well, I like the blue. It matches the green wonderfully. But then I don't know the At&t bell.

Great work, Nuno!
C.F.Lange said…
Nuno, you may want to correct your text to say "the idea popped out". Nice icon.
Pinheiro said…
@carlos thanks :D pooping ideas is nice aswell :D
sandsmark said…
Thanks for all your hard work!
Anonymous said…
Make the back rounded line of the bell thicker?
It's difficult to see, especially at smaller sizes.

- dannya
Health News said…
This is a wonderful site. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.

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