kmix icons development.

Small post just to show developments on kmix icons.

The one from yesterdays post. mixed a bit of 3 and 4.

Front channel

Master capture channel.

Secondary capture channel.


So basically this is the work done so far on the blasted icons, can't say I'm overly happy with them specially the surround icons that is by nature very 3d like but in a 2d icon does not work very well.


Tomasz Dudzik said…
For me these icons just rocks! Will they be in 4.3?
Anonymous said…
They definitly look very cool!
Anonymous said…
Well, you should definitely be very happy. Those icons kick asses!
FrankUndFrei said…
I'm glad you decided for a very clean and uncluttered design!
About the Surround icon: I think a view from above will work much better than the 3-dimensional thing. Something like sound waves coming from the four corners of the icon (don't know if that will work for the small icons). I think one would easily associate this with a surround sound, as 5.1 setups are often depicted from above in manuals and howtos.
SVG Crazy said…
I am so happy that icons for kmix are being created. Is the icon for kmix itself gonna change too?
Anonymous said…
What do the red bars indicate? The volume level?
I occasionally use hardware mixers. Green bars indicate sound levels within the specifications, red bars indicate over amplifying.
Dread Knight said…
I think the vertical line is not cool at all...

And i don't like the slider as well... too many elements in there... keep things simpler.

Just go with the colored boxes thingies, nothing more. But to be honest people expect a speaker in there. I love the icon from tangerine icon set, expect the mute value which places and red square with an white X in frond of the speaker, not cool at all.
Dread Knight said…
except* not expect
Dread Knight said…
Don't place a slider in an icon because it will only confuse the crap out of people unless you can actually interact with it directly (it's too small for that anyway).

The people saying is cool don't know anything about design for sure.
Anonymous said…
They rock!
Dread Knight may be right though: won't it be confusing to have a slider you can't move?
Also, will the colored bars show the actual volume level?
Thank you for all the great work you're doing
Pinheiro said…
@Dread Knight thanks for the spam :).
Any way if you can do beter please send it to me I will be happy to include them in oxygen. Honestly!
Anonymous said…
I agree with Dread Knight, why a slider at all if it's just an icon?
Pinheiro said…
Realy give ma a beter icon for chaneel the slider is couse its the comon thing used in mixing tables, so if you have a beter idea please share...
Anonymous said…
Maybe a round volume button like this ?
Or just a little speaker on the left side?
kiwi said…
They're cool icons but I don't think new users will make the connection between a slider and sound.
maninalift said…
I think you've done a great job of the surround icon.
Anonymous said…
These Icons won't replace the systrayicon for kmix?
Pinheiro said…
So a knob is beter than a slider???
Remember this a channel not a speaker.
Pinheiro said…
its the individial icons for each of the channels in kmix...
Anonymous said…

I am a sound engeneer and what I know from the mixing-desks are those LED-chains that show the level of the sound.

I don't know anything about programming and artwork, but wouldn't it be possible to do something similar in Kmix.(animated and stuff) Then no icon would be needed at all.

I think the icons are great, but you wanted ideas.
Pinheiro said…
@Anonymous think that would be realy neet dough im just doing the icons fopr the current ui not redesigning the ui...
I read somthing about making thins in plasma, think it would be a interesting pojec, dough in plasma i think the icosn would need to be diferent is we would need icons at all...
Spawn said…
I think these icons rock!
As anything that you've done so far for Oxygen and KDE.
Thank you for the good work
SpawnHCS said…
I think these icons rock!
I hope we could see them in KDE 4.3.
Thanks for all your excellent work on KDE, you make my eyes shine =)
Pinheiro said…
@SpawnHCS wich one should I keep?
Anonymous said…
look this idea for the icon:
Anonymous said…
Hi. The icons look good, but actually if I look at them they look the same. The meaning is not clear for me, all I see is the slider in different states and the audio volume on the right. It actually doesn't say anything more (the image doesn't guide the user to the meaning). But - to be honest - I cannot suggest anything more informational...

So my thumbs up and keep up the good work :-)
Pinheiro said…
@Anonymous yeah I know, in fact now a days they are the same icon, I thought that if they were difrent maybe it would be beter... But yeah they are not very good at saying what they are... but then again sound channel is a very abstract concept.
Anonymous said…
And what about completely different icons? For playback the first what I have in mind is a reproductor (like the kmix has in 3.5.10). You can have left (direction to left), right (points to right), front (points to... front :-) - little bit down to be 3D), same for back (for full surround control). Capture means recording, so microphone is the first what I have in mind. Master capture is a big one, secondary could have smaller one (or two of them?). Left capture channel could have two, but the right one is grayed-out. And so on - just what goes to your mind at the first sight (do not try to think much about each of them or you will loose the point). The first idea can be the best one - user also doesn't want to think much about the meaning :-)
Pinheiro said…
@Anonymous we do have a mike channels aswell you know :)
\o/ I really like them!
Anonymous said…
Lovely icons. Just an idea - Mirror a copy of the surround sound icon and add it to the existing one. This will create two big speakers on both left and right together with the existing speakers in the middle and you'll get a surrounding look. Can't wait to see these on my box.
maninalift said…
I like the icons in general but I've only just thought about the fact that they are going to be in the mixer.

You don't really need a picture of a slider underneath a slider :)

What you need to communicate is input/output, front/master/..., and perhaps give some feeling that it is to do with sound (though of course by the time the user has opened up KMix they probably know that).

hmmmm... input/output is fairly easy, the rest not so.
Pinheiro said…
Anonymous thats how I started it dosent work to small to look 3d.
Really helpful data, thank you for the post.
mejor sexshop said…
Really helpful information, lots of thanks for your post.

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