Quassel because we all love IRC

I was cheking and it as passed quite some time since I posted a blog entry about Icons, but icons are still a major part of what oxygen is... So here it goes an entry about icons: Quassel Icons.

This are the ones we did so far, and they are a bit more joyfull than the typical oxygen icon but ,I think that IRC and IM applications are more Social and fun applications, so we tried to do them a bit more up and fun... BTW Quassel people rocks.

While doing this we needed to do some IM like users and that started a new type of user for this kind of apps. Think it looks pretty.

Yeah I know the light one that is suposed to stand for invisible is not working very well... I will work more on it...

PS The problem with the transparent Icon is already solved, thanks to Jpsetso ;) http://tinyurl.com/bchodb


Anonymous said…
Maybe a dashed outline for the invisible one?
Unknown said…
or maybe some ghostly shine-through effects, e.g. being able to see the "behind" part of the circle at the bottom.
Anonymous said…
these rock! I take it they're suitable for use in Kopete as well?
Pinheiro said…
@Jakob Petsovits great idea me feeling stupid now :)
Dread Knight said…
For invisible you could put a grocery paper bag on his head XD

The icons are pretty cool, but i'm not fond of the msn like dude.

Hope Kopete will get some love because it's one of the most ugly apps of KDE4 in terms of usability/design.
Anonymous said…
Looks amazing! Much better then the current "eye" of Quassel!
Unknown said…
Can some one tell me why Quassel is so popular, it just seemed like a really complicated backend/client/'something else' setup and complicated UI where in konversation I typed in the server the channel and bish bash bosh I was chatting?
Dread Knight said…
@behavedave you are talking about the old quassel. New one has been simplified.
Quassel is popular because konversation couldn't keep up with the damn times. A KDE4 environment should only ship with new backend stuff, like whatever qt is beeing used and drop the old things due to memory limits on cd etc, optimization and better integration.
If you want to stick with konversation, it's fine, but quassel will 'get there'.
Anonymous said…
Just two words: Great work!
Wade said…

The attention to detail is crazy. So simple at a first glance, but they're nearly flawless. I can't imagine how much time this took you.
salyavin said…
@behavedate A lot has to do with we can connect to the same IRC session from work, home, coffee shop, friend's house etc. Before we used screen and irssi to do this but with quassel we can have a GUI. Also Quassel is integrated into KDE4 which is an area Konversation is very behind the times on.
Health News said…
This is a wonderful site. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.
viagra said…
Thanks, I will find more applications and then you can come across my blog to share ideas about the icons and its features because they're transparent and everyone can read it .

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