The air we breathe

Christmas time is coming, and traditionally I do a KDE xmas wallpaper to capture the season on the KDE fashion, but this year Wade done a fantastic job, in creating stuning artwork, that makes no sense in trying to compete.
Instead we decided to commit the new default wallpaper for KDE 4.2 into svn for every one out there using trunk... MERRY CHRISTMAS.


Stephen said…
The plasma desktop is stunning.

The panel background is a little too vista-ish, and I'm not a fan of the solid black line that creates a very hard border between the panel and the desktop. Other than this, I do like the overall look and feel.
Anonymous said…
I notice you have the same GPU as I do (Radeon X600).

Would you mind telling which drivers you use and how well do KDE4 effects work with them?


P.S. You could also add the info to:
Unknown said…
Looking nice pinheiro, like the background wallpaper, reminds me of the depth of field used in movies.

Have a merry christmas everyone!
Pinheiro said…
@hook I use the open source one, and i force kwin to acept it, t works great hever since Lucas last fix.
Anonymous said…
You just made my day brighter! :D
I'm also using the open source 'radeon' driver and can barely wait for KDE 4.2.0 to come out and finally try it!!

When looking at the I felt like no-one cared about the open source drivers, as everybody seems to use the closed 'fglrx' ...but now you gave me back hope! :D if only 3D was better supported in the 'xf86-video-ati' (i.e. 'radeon') drivers, so I could run PlaneShift, I'd be ultra-happy :]
Unknown said…
Beautiful. And I'm speaking of the wallpaper as well as of the whole desktop.

The theme you're using is indeed great. What's its name?

Having removed the hideous "blue lines" in the windows decorations makes them way more elegant. And this new taskbar arrow for un/hiding is just perfect. Discreet and efficient, exactly as it should be.

Now, we just need to get rid of those awful "back/forward" arrows that stand out like a sore thumb in this lovely desktop, and that will be perfect!

Hats off!
Chris said…
hi pino,

a decent font (hint:see mac) would make this look much more awsome !
Paulo Cesar said…
Just, Wow! Great wallpaper, the last time I liked so much a default wallpaper was in Tiger, long time ago :) And this one is even better, congrats!

Just one thing that disturbs me on this new Oxygen theme, why the selected task doesn't have any level of transparency like the other parts of the panel? Is it a bug?

thanks for the great artwork, i'm your fan man
Paulo Cesar said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
y r!
Wade said…
Awesome work as usual. Thanks for the wallpaper.
Anonymous said…
s/breath/breathe. Sorry to point that out :-)

Awesome artwork.
Chaz said…
Great wallpaper!

You said "I use the open source one, and i force kwin to accept it"

Please, how do you force kwin to accept it? I use the same driver and can't get kwin to enable compositing (using trunk).

Anonymous said…
I recently compiled kde from svn and everything is so beautiful that it took my breath away XD. Thanks Nuno for all your work and patience for making that happen. Boas festas.
Unknown said…
Nuno, o wallpaper é muito bom. Onde poderei fazer o download? Já agora, vejo que estás a utilizar Mandriva com kde 4.2 beta 2(?), certo? Mandriva 2009? Pergunto porque procuro uma distro que me proporcione uma boa experiência. Fizeste algum tweak especial para obter esse desktop espectacular que tens? :)

O teu trabalho é excelente! Continua no bom caminho! :)
Pinheiro said…
@chaz There is an option to override system checks in the kwin controll pannel..

@ Voices yes I use mandriva but this complied kde from sources using the greas kdesvn-build script... Nut you can try kubunto neon builds or opensuse... not quite sure.... Any way 4.2 is almost done and you will be able to garb bimary for most modern distros...
How to get it to look like that??? simple use kde defoults, the only thing thta I have that is not defoult is the removal of the active window strpes(there is a ui for that). Prety much everything else is defoult...
Unknown said…
Thanks Nuno. I'll try openSuse 11.1 in the following days. They give a truly nice kde experience and with kde 4.2 beta 2 it should be really great. Thanks fellow tuga! :P
Unknown said…
I'm also using Mandriva 2009 and i cant wait for 2009.1 to gets out with KDE 4.2 :D

I thikied about compile myself kde but my system is stable and dot want to mess too much :p
Pinheiro said…
@profirio, hee its quite easy well I have to bug developrs from time to time :), and they are very helpfull, but I must say its easy to build from sources, using the kdesvn-build script.. and you intall the intire thing in your user acount you dont mess at all with the system...
Unknown said…
Nice wallpaper! I'm starting to like KDE's look more day by day. The one thing I don't like more is the Ozone Kwin theme and the gray window background... I would like to see more contrast, I can barely see the gradient. :(

I hope I expressed myself correctly.

Pinheiro said…
@Diego Rondini in the kcm control module there is bar were you can make move the contrast up or down :) .
Th general idea was to make the gradient mostly unotaceble, they are quite strong dough but aparently non existent...
Unknown said…
Nuno, where can I get that air.png wallpaper? That's amazing! Thanks!
Unknown said…
@Nuño: thank you, awesome! :)
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
Thanks Anonymus (this sounds weird... :P)!
Anonymous said…
How did you get the plasmoids on the right aligned that nicely? I tried to resize someplasmoids, so that they would have the same width, but that's nearly impossible. Is there something like a fully transparent panel that one can use to arrange them?
Anonymous said…
Estou usando KDE 4.1.3, no Arch Linux. A usabilidade é ótima, está tudo indo bem. Cheguei a instalar o beta, com o KDEMod, mas ao menos os pacotes que peguei estão bem instáveis. Bom trabalho, Pinheiro. ;]
Unknown said…
Sorry, but i have a doubt.
is this image the officil wallpaper for KDE 4.2?
maybe it's clear for all, but not for me.

(Sorry by my poor english)
Anonymous said…
"The panel background is a little too vista-ish, and I'm not a fan of the solid black line that creates a very hard border between the panel and the desktop. Other than this, I do like the overall look and feel."

Who cares, as long as it looks nice, I really like the panel. I hope they wont change it just because a moron like you compares it to Vista.

Fuck off.
Anonymous said…
Wow, the artwork in KDE4 is incredible, a masterpiece. It looks much more better than Windows 7' artwork.

Keep up the great work Nuno, I would love to see this wallpaper as the default in 4.2.
Anonymous said…
"Just one thing that disturbs me on this new Oxygen theme, why the selected task doesn't have any level of transparency like the other parts of the panel? Is it a bug?"

No, it's not a bug, it means that the window is ACTIVE, and we like it this way.

Don't make everything transparent because you just can, make it nice, and this way is nice.
leandro ribeiro said…
Não sou um gajo com este tipo de "orgulhos", mas há um certo "comichar" em saber que há um tipo de Vila Real a desenvolver um trabalho tão importante num projecto destes :)
Anonymous said…
Good stuff, thanks.

But, a question: why don't parse the normal kde wallpaper dir structure from ~/.kde4/share/wallpapers ? For example, i svn exported this wallpaper here, but the wallpaper changer app don't parsed it. Only normal pics allowed there. Why?
Anonymous said…
I totally agree with Stephen,

plasma looks great, but i really liked better the 4.1 panel background and taskBar selection.

great job guys
Nancy Harris said…
WOW!!! That’s the first thing that came into my mind as I was reading this post. Amazing wallpaper. Thanks for sharing with us.
Anonymous said…
Cool story as for me. It would be great to read something more concerning that theme. Thnx for posting this info.
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panel background is a little too vista-ish, and I'm not a fan of the solid black line that creates a very hard border between the panel and the desktop.woldor again musters rooter thank you
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