The voodoo that we do.

Thomas Mönicke and myself have been working on a new version of our akonadi logo. After some talks we decided to do something more in the lines of the logo Thomas made. It took quite some time to get it like I wanted and a lot of pencil and blender sketching. But after one week rambling with it I think we got it.

Updated version with all the artwork!

I hope you guys like I do :)



Thomas DA said…
Why does lowlevel applications get SO nice icons!
Anonymous said…
Great logo! Very beautiful! Thanks Nuno, now I'm looking forward to akonadi even more!!!
Wintermute said…
I love it - awesome work!
Anonymous said…
Lovely! Just lovely! Looks good enough to eat.

It sort of reminds of the Core * logos for OS X:

Those are good enough to eat too. :D
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Wow, this is really beautiful.
Tostadora said…
That's a beatiful logo. Impressive work
Anonymous said…
Unbelievable gfx!
Wow!! You rock guys! This is the best app logo ever made :-)
I hope to see it frequently on my desktop.. now Akonadi code must really stand up to the expectations :D
Anonymous said…
Wow. Great logo. KDE 4.1 will rock!
Anonymous said…
Great :)) I love it!!
Anonymous said…
Now that's what i call JUICY!
The concept of Akonadi shown exactly, but actually, since it's not very advertised and doesn't really has it's real website and such kind of stuff - there's not many people to understand the whole deep of the technology and the idea itself. Well, great logo for T-Shirts, but it would be better if there would be many fans of Akonadi. Developers - yes, but hey, i can imagine a guy with Firefox or Amarok logo that can definitely say
- "I'm an Amarok/Firefox fan. It's the best Musik studio/Internet combiner i ever used!".
But what could i say if someone ask me:
- "Hey, nice orb! Whats that? Akonadi? So you're fan of..? Yeah, real geek!"
I'm not against to be a geek. And of course i realy adore the new Akonadi Logo. Just i see some kind of paradox here.
Well, nevermind, just 'Laute gedacht' =)
Anonymous said…
very well done. specially the monochromy ver.

I would lose the banner (last image in this post) it contains to much graphic elements in the background. this logo would look even better in a minimalistic theme.
Unknown said…

The most beautiful logo ever. Period.

And I do also like very much the duotone variants.

Great job Nuno!
Unknown said…
Sorry, of course I meant: great job, Nuno & Thomas Mönicke.

Give credit where it's due. You two guys rock.
Pinheiro said…
Thanks guys, don't you just love OSS work?
Working for this community is wonderful.
Unknown said…
Truly beautiful work Nuno :)
Anonymous said…
what is this for a font? it is great!
Unknown said…
Aww, that's friggin' awesome. What a gift for KDE to have graphics gurus like this B-)
Anonymous said…
Beautiful, you are incredible talented.

Keep up the great work! =D
Anonymous said…
shiny! :)
Anonymous said…
amazing, good job!
Unknown said…
I agree, excellent work. It is definitely one of the best logos I've seen.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for this piece of work.

Falls into work of art category, and top rated !
Anonymous said…
Nice work guys. Now, where do we get the t-shirts?
a lonely wolf said…
I just love the logo great work guys
Anonymous said…
One of the best logos I've seen ever!
I also think it sends the right "vibe" for akonadi.
jimmac said…
Nicely done. The resemblance to the OS X' Core * is apparent, but the execution is marvelous.
Anonymous said…
Thanks alot Jimmac :)
Yeah there is some similarities in the concept, but after a close look they are quite difrent.
And implementation wise this was not a 20 minute vector hack ;).

Ok ok im prety sure the mac ones were not a 20 minute thing :).
Anonymous said…
I forgot to mention this is WOW.
Anonymous said…
hey nuno, put more contrast on the new krunner, make the buttons looks nicer, maybe black buttons will be nicer on it, and more contrast! :D
Anonymous said…
I'm not working much on krunner, but i have trust on the people working there it will only get beter.
Anonymous said…
thanks nuno, help them too, you are the best :D
Anonymous said…
they are doing a good work too :D
Anonymous said…
Just some improvement thoughts for krunner:

I think it would be really nice if when you do alt+f2 you exactly this:

Then when you search something it slides down with the options like this:

Kinda like the effect in this site:

Other than that, I think the buttons needs some work, and it would be nice if the items have more margin, and more contrast.

Keep up the great work!
Anonymous said…
you see exactly this*
Anonymous said…
good post
Anonymous said…
This logo is absolutely amazing and very well designed. Great work sire! :)
- kamal

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