Week log O¹

 week report on O²

In a nutshell, did some stuff, then done it again was happy with parts of it, and finaly ended the week on a positive note with a talk on QtCon brazil 2020


New version for light Bg's using extra noise generated from the 2 active colours.

Made some progress in the internal rules for palette generation, as I have said on of my prime objectives is to be able to create extremely simple palettes with no more of 5-7 colours that area able to be translated in to fully working pallets. something I'm planing to start testing in qml next week. 

In that note more work on the  QML components that test the mock-ups and animate the features, notice the progress bar deal with small values  

here you can see a zoomed version of the UI 2x notice the outline on the progress bar that changes the colour, flowing the edge of the progress all the way to the end. 


Finally Saturday I had the pleasure to participate in the QtCon brazil were I could use my native Portuguese :) sory guys ;). 

All the talks available here ...https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpnk1I7ThHtKn4UYkuaO7Qg  I highly recommend ... most of them are in English so .. 

Cheers and see you all next week .)


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