O² or Oxygen all over again, aka Oxygen Reboot, maybe O squared?

Hello so ... 

My name? Nuno Pinheiro.

Ocupation? Heee Designer Stuf.

Location? Portugalio.

Age? C'mon don't ask things like that...., but apparently its a good answer for anything and everything.


So introductions made,...heee right what is this about?

Read the title... geee..

Not clear enough? Right....

Ok lets get one thing straight, this is not Oxygen all over again, it is but... its not, heee... Oxygen was made to be default. Oxygen had more capable people than me steering it in the beginning, Oxygen was massive, we are talking about something in the whereabouts  8000-12000 hours worth of work.

For Oxygen amount of work we have Breeze. 

So now that I stated what it is not i'm done right.?... humm?.. no?


Ok starting to get a bit more serious because, well I have to, this new thing is something that I had as a plan since the end of Oxygen.. Something on the realm of... "How would I do it now that I know what I did not knew wen this started....." But even before that I had to come to terms with the present at the time design ethos. AKA the flatness. I have to be honest was not my thing, still is not my thing, I get it, but I got pretty good at disguising my design limitations under layers of more design, decoration, skeomorphism, gradients etc..

I had to, take my time to discover what I was a designer, and also I was burned out on KDE again look at the hours mentioned... And real life and work was work enough. And so a few years passed...

In what today seams eons ago in Qt world Summit I got to have diner with Good Friend Eike Hein, that challenged me to get back  (aka if anything goes terribly wrong you know the reasons name). And that was it i was decided.... some day I would be back....

Cue in 2020. A year that will be...yeah.. Specially by me, with 2 of the most important people in my life gone (not Covid related). 

Finally Akademy 2020, I got to do a Design/Workshop thingy, had to prepare for it think about it. witch meant thinking of just how much fun I had doing KDE stuf. and it was great. meeting the people way greater... and that was it, I was hooked again...

The master plan.... 

Lets do an experiment. a Massive experiment...

Oxygen add a big problem a very common problem in computer stuf, it was suposed to be used wile being developed and worse DESIGNED wille Developed.

Meaning that the experimentation was limited to the technically possible, cue in a time were alot of hings were changing and beeing invented as we went. the result was that design was very much affected by technical limitations, and that's great... But not what I want to do this time... 

This time around I want to do it in a perfect land that ignores reality, (overrated as any one knows).

Cue in what do I want to do?? 

Well still not absolutely sure, but its a Style with all the things that a Style requires to work... that meens working color pallets, visuals assets, interaction, animations, action icons. etc etc etc...


Scalable... needs to be be scalable, VERY scalable, did I say it needs to be scalable?

Including but not limited to... dpi scalable, size scalable, content scalable... (will talk about all of that to exhaustion), any one that knows me can attest to how boring I am about Scalability, and SVG usage..

Modern. (what ever that means)

Simple color pallet... Use no more than 5-6 base colors for the pallete. every single color in the style needs to be derived (mathematically) from those (ideally the pallete itself can be auto generated from some picture the user likes).

Lots and lots of testing.

In the end if all goes ok, we sould have a plasma theme, a QtQuick Controls theme and an QtStyle.. and a KWin theme.. also maybe a icon theme but icons theese days are fairly simple things to do. And what ever I find useful to do

But for now I will just do what limits me the least.... pure QML components. this will allow me to test things experiment change them test them aging share the results get other people to test etc etc.


OK last thing resources

2 Hours per day 2 years cap... run the numbers you know 2² ? something like that.

Im also thinking this blog stuff is not what kids these days look at... so I might be doing Videos every week or 2 weeks, mostly commenting on recorded work sessions, probably better to show somthing working rather than mockups or screenshots...  


 What do you think???? 

Makes sense?

What about the weekly/biweekly Video update?

Cheers and best regards... Nuno. 


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