Time for a pause

Call pause icon.... I'm biased in relation to this set as I think its overly detailed with to many features... there are many many missing, but its a WIP.

The idea here is mostly to try to use context, so this icons will only work if they are some how grouped or shown in a given context in this case a telephonic context. (so in the call-pause icon I dispense the use of the phone speaker visual element and trust the context.)
Its a good example of some of the problems we end up with with generic icons sets were we need to repeat visual elements as we don't have control over the context, this end up creating overly cluttered with information icons, and worse they look stupid as they repeat the same information over and over again.

Problems with looking stupid is that in a way we are calling our users stupid repeating the same message over and over again.

This type of analysis is something I have been doing a lot lately, I believe that the way we tell the story of our app is fundamental to establish a relation with the user. In a way I think we should think our UI's as a conversation with a user, were first we present yourself, what we do  and how good we are at it. And them move on in to inviting for interaction, and providing pleasant experiences for series of actions.

So and for this case wen looking at row of icons I try to see the overall message and how it will be interpreted by the user...



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