So its Xmas Time again :)

It seams it was only yesterday I did my first Xmas decorative thing for KDE, but it was already 5 years ago, wow time flies :)

2010 promises to be a great year for KDE, 4.4 simply rocks, Oxygen will have a joint meeting next February with the plasma people, and some Kwin people as well, so great fun coming.
For now have fun and be happy :D MERRY XMAS!

P.S. Fixed the link and haded a new almost wallpaper version off it (its not an wallpaper) here


Anonymous said…
Muitos Parabéns pelo excelente trabalho que têm desenvolvido no nosso :) KDE!

Festas Felizes e descansem :)


ricardo nunes
Owl said…
Your art rocks, but is it available in higher resolutions?
Fazer said…
All I get is "Don't hotlink large images!" and something about ImageShack's service. Way to go.
aroedl said…
Please use for image hosting.
starglider said…
Obrigado Nuno.
Pinheiro said…
Sorry about the wrong link, its fixed now :)
it-s said…
Awww Nuno! What a cute picture :) Truth be told I was planning to do white and red for the newyear wallpaper. Well now I'll have to come up with something different... or just do it anyways and let everyone think I stole the idea from you :P
Merry Christmas!
Pinheiro said…
It-s do it any way I'm sure its gonna rock :P
Unknown said…
Nice picture!
Bon Nadal from Vila-real, Castellón, Espanha.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful, thanks a lot! I used this to send my christmas wishes.

All the best!!
Term paper said…
It’s quite appreciable that such information is being shared through a huge network. Keep it up.
Max said…
nice art work.. thanks for sharing..

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