Random part II (the revenge of svn)

Today I was working as usual and trying to commit the icons I just finished, wen I realized I can't not today, should not be anything important for me, I can commit tomorrow, but for some reason I couldn't work on other icons, for some reason I see the commit as closure if I don't do it I cant move on, Interesting how the human brain works.
Any way I thought I could spend some time to show some of the icons I did in the past days.

There are some Scribus Kplato kdevelop and KdePim icons there, and they are all in svn :)


Anonymous said…
Yeah, that's one of the reasons why SVN sucks, and Git rocks ;).

Nice icons! Although the man-without-face is kinda scary...
Anonymous said…
thank you! real nice icons!!! =)
pls improve oxygen widget theme pls...
Unknown said…
Great work, as usual :) That bow is cute :P
Anonymous said…
man-without-face is scary? I find the man-with-a-tie even more scary! Isn't only a subset of humanity represented by this business-uniform (and not even thinking about gender and skin color issues)? Please get away with the tie!
Pinheiro said…
@Anonymous its for kplato and its buisness/management oriented
Anonymous said…
Very professional; great work!
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Fantastic icons, look forward to seeing more. Keep up the good work!


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