Random icons
This is just a really quick post to show some of the icons i been working in the past few days, mostly kdevelop icons and office like ones, also made a couple for Kontact. And made a new overlay for unmounted devices.
Hope you like it, couple more done, an uncountable number to go :-) .
In case you are wondering the first ones are part of a group (kdevelop) were the particular theming uses special green, and they can be showed out of context so the context part is needed...
I wanted to use the occasion and tell you that i agree with:
>The only what makes me unsure are the arrows: their gradients - i'd say they distract me...
The first thing that i didn't like in kde4 calendar where the arrows (http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/446/arrowscalendar.png - in red circles) - they a green (don't fit into color scheme) and with gradient and their shape is not good.
Also the calendar itself still looks very messy (http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/5871/calendarg.png). Could you please sometime work on it? Something like this (http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/8476/sunbirddayview.png).
Don't get me wrong - i just want kde4 to be better. I would do it myself - but don't have experience.
Well, not messy but cluttered.
Btw, the arrows are very obvious to me.
Would you ever consider sharing some of the inkscape magic with us? Maybe a tutorial how to best create an icon and some tips on design? You might get more people into designing icons and maybe create some competition for yourself ;-)
There are some specific rules to icon making that I guess could make up for a course but wen you are into this type of thing you will learn that in no time.
How I can add this on my ubuntu?
hmm i save image as for my collection
Thats exactly what I was searching in this time...