KDE People!

I love KDE and the main reason for that was allays obvious to me, that KDE was much more than a desktop environment, KDE was the people, the love they put into it. I completely stole the totally amazing photos Marijn Kruisselbrink took, to make that little collage.
On an unrelated note, but truly amazingly event to me, I will be working for KDAB and this will allow me to keep doing design work, and contribute to KDE as well. All of this made my day and also my year. Yes I'm very very happy.


Anonymous said…
Fantastic that KDAB has hired you! Congratulations!
Pinheiro said…
I'm extremely happy. Thank you. and thanks KDAB of course for this opportunity.
Unknown said…
Yaay for KDAB! *hugs*
Unknown said…
Congrats to KDAB and you! Win-win situation! And as celeste said: Yaay for companies supporting KDE people!
milianw said…
greeat :) I will get an internship there next spring!

And the title of your blog totally reminded me of the song The Now People by Gregor Trescher ;-)
Anonymous said…
I will be working for KDAD? Really? Not KDAB?


Anonymous said…
Wow - does this make KDAB the single largest employer of upstream contributors to KDE yet? I know that OpenSUSE employs quite a few, but few of them do much work on KDE itself. (I'm not counting Nokia's contributions to Qt here as it technically isn't KDE).

Anyway, I'm sincerely overjoyed to hear that you're being funded - thankyou, KDAB!
Fabien said…
Congratulations !
What will you do at KDAB ?
icons for KDAB's customers ?

ps: wow you managed to put 3 women on the collage :)
Andreas Nilsson said…
Hi Pinheiro!
It was great meeting you at GCDS and congratulations to the new job!
Pinheiro said…
@andreasn its was realy great meeting you also :)
@Oliver a typo per post is my signature, but thanks ist fixed now :)
@shamaz Hopefuly the same thing I do in kde "pretty pictures"
mofux said…
i cannot express how happy this news makes me. you really earn such a job mister :]
Parabéns Nuno. Já merecias uma oportunidade!
Andreas said…
I'm happy for you, KDAB and KDE. Everybody wins!
Augusto Leite said…

This is just one of the results of your fantastic work.. wait that there's even more good things to come.. for sure...
Unknown said…
congrats and good luck with the new job
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! You deserved it! :)
Thomas Thym said…
Congratulations! I'm happy for you and happy to see that wonderful symbiotic combination of the KDE community and business.
Hi, i'm really interested in this post...I want to know more about "KDE People!".

Thats exactly what I was searching in this time...

Health News said…
yeah truly a great site.I really enjoyed my visit.

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