Building a brand.

The last weeks we have been thinking and thinking on what should be the default wallpaper for the upcoming kde 4.3. This is always a very complicated decision because is one of the most prominent branding elements on kde specially now that we do all of the marketing artwork revolving around that single wallpaper..
IN the mid of the discussion i had the idea that we could try to make branded version of our default wallpapers for the distros totally free of charge, It-s agreed with me that we could do that....I thought This could be just the beguiling of greater cooperation on shared branding between kde and the distros... Thre are loads of subjects as branding and artwork goes were we could cooperate in way it would benefit kde and the distros as well... I shared my basic idea with promo people and the rest of the artists in oxygen... and Aaron evolved the concept pretty nicely...

So we officially announce the kde branding service, supposed to be a platform for your distro branding needs and what kde can do in that regard, we will start with something simple as wallpapers, (maximum impact minimum effort) and try to evolve from there.

Any way Aaron said it much better...


kobzeci said…
It is very nice to hear this. And with this approach distros and Kde will look more integrated, with thsi step maybe there will be more cooperation and assistance in near future.

Your starting points are good, wallpapers... And maybe some Custom Kmenu icons will be nice :)

I am using Pardus Gnu/linux Disro, and i hope Pardus developers and you will make some good work on Pardus Brand...

Anyway, as an amateur i already made my KDE 4.3 wallpaper for air theme, for Pardus 2009 :).
Thats my taste :P
ComaWhite said…
I love this idea. The Gentoo KDE team was going to be doing this with their own. But you guys doing it too will be awesome.

The only question is how will you be able to determine the system of whatever the user is on? cmake flags?

I was trying to find KDE4 wallpapers but couldn't find any
Anonymous said…
While i don't think it is a very realistic idea (can't really see the distros giving up trying to create their own identity) i do like it.
Blue Curl would IMO make an excellent standard background.
Definitely not air though, it always puts me in mind of a zoomed in ejaculation.
Anonymous said…
While I like the idea I have to admit that the first thing I do when given a new desktop (e.g. a new user or I cleared .kde from a testuser account) is to switch off the wallpaper image and set it to medium grey colour. May not look cool and flashy but is very very useful.
But I _don't_ suggest doing that for KDE, as most first-time users (and journalists not into it) will judge on the first three seconds only.
Anonymous said…
I pray that this idea sticks and becomes default workflow for distros.

Bom trabalho!

On another note, please fix your blog theme, it has some visually anoying bugs when viewed through my ONLY browser of choice Konqueror, thanks! ;)
Anonymous said…
In the meantime this guy is stoling your icons:
Pinheiro said…
@Anonymous the icons are lgplv3 so he is free to use them :)
Anonymous said…
why do not use plasma theme in windeco??

look this mockup wallpaper:
Health News said…
Thank you for introducing me the wonderful information.And .....Totally boring.!

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