wallpapers that are wosome...
This is just a small post to show a small preview of the extremely narrow down wallpaper short list.
The kde people sent me some of the best stuff I have ever seen, and I had a really hard time narrow them down to this 12.... that im only showing in small sizes so the original creators can still do what ever they want with them after we chose the 5 that will go it to replace 5 old ones, (yes 5, 2 would be soooo unfair to everybody that submitted his wonderful pictures .)
And this means we have now 5 wallpapers that are going to say goodbye to the default set.... And in your opinion witch 5 should those be??? This means witch 5 wallpapers should in your opinion be removed from the default 15 we ship today in 4.2???
The kde people sent me some of the best stuff I have ever seen, and I had a really hard time narrow them down to this 12.... that im only showing in small sizes so the original creators can still do what ever they want with them after we chose the 5 that will go it to replace 5 old ones, (yes 5, 2 would be soooo unfair to everybody that submitted his wonderful pictures .)
And this means we have now 5 wallpapers that are going to say goodbye to the default set.... And in your opinion witch 5 should those be??? This means witch 5 wallpapers should in your opinion be removed from the default 15 we ship today in 4.2???
I'd choose the one with the yellow grass and the one depicting a cloudy horizon next to it as well as the cool red-yellow makro picture, the sunset and the one with the red leaves.
BTW: My favorites are 3,4,5,6 and 11.
You're asking wich ones to remove from the default set: Golden Ripples, Green Concentration, Skeeter Hawk and Leafs Labyrinth in that order (anyway Leafs Labyrinth is nice).
But please, don't touch: Air, Emotion or Colorado Farm!!!
Which ones i like a lot:
-the lake
-the city
-the red+yellow color things
Can't tell too well, since we're only provided with some thumbnails...anyway, numbers would have been good!
I'd personally remove following photos, starting from top left: 3, 6, 7, 8, 11
-icy tree
-default blue
-vector sunset
-leafs labyrinth
That being said, several of these look like they could replace wallpapers from the current WeatherWallpapers set.
Personally, I would like to see the following go away:
-Golden Ripples
-Skeeter Hawk
-Red Leaf
-Curls on Green
-Fields of Peace (The weather wallpaper uses this for sunny, but it could be replaced by the first pic in the blog)
(I don't like those ones that much...)
These could be removed from the kdeartwork/WeatherWallpapers set if the wallpapers in the blog are added:
-"At Night" (replaceable by the 8th picture in the blog)
-"Blue Sun" (replaceable by the third picture.)
Wallpapers that the Weather Wallpaper plugin is currently using from kdebase/kdeartwork (and not from kdeartwork/WeatherWallpapers) and that I would like to see stay are:
-Colorado Farm (Used for cloudy/partly cloudy)
-There is Rain on the Table (Though it'd be neat if we could get a better rain picture)
And wow! Those wallpapers are sexy!
i choose...1, 5, 7, 12...
I also seem to love images that focus on on this and blur out the rest (4th one from top, left col). For example, I use this one as my wallpaper:
It's pretty good as the stones appear sharp. So my vote goes to the mountains and the blurred out (sticks) one.
And to point out the one I like the least is:
That may be removed, IMHO.
Golden ripples and default-blue aren't very special either.
forest light
"abstraction" - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__JNFVYfijS4/Sh3KP2e_8RI/AAAAAAAAAm0/mB4E2zvz_Ac/s1600-h/image2916.png
and this ... http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__JNFVYfijS4/Sh3J3p8ximI/AAAAAAAAAmc/oK-kuFPyReA/s1600-h/image2832.png
2(the forest), 3 (the lake), 4 (leaves), 5 (the beach) and 11 (mountains).
I would remove lady bugging, vector sunset and the old default wallpaper.
Than you for your good work on the look of kde!
Colorado Farm
Leafs Labyrinth
Skeeter Hawk
Vector Sunset
But, *please*, keep my favorites: ;)
Curls on Green
Fresh Morning
Red Leaf
Finally Summer in Germany
There is Rain on The Table
any way one side note if you used any of the defoults wallpaer it got copied to your local folder so it wont be removed wonce you upgrade your machine to kde 4.3, at least I think it wont, and they are not going away they are just beeing moved to kde artwork.
Flower drops
Read leaf
Vector sunset (sorry :|)
(Btw you can see the wallpapers at:
http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/4.2/kdebase/workspace/wallpapers/ )
As for the current ones to be removed, my vote goes to:
- High Tide
- Plasmalicious
- There is rain on the table
- Vector sunset
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorial_to_the_Murdered_Jews_of_Europe
My votes (inkl. order of priority) to remove those wallpapers:
1. Plasmalicious
2. Vector_Sunset
3. EOS
4. HighTide
5. Ladybuggin
Btw. you can remove anything but EOS :P
which photo-plugin do you use for that nice gallery?
The wallpapers are really great!
Best regards
Vector sunset doesn't seem as intriguing at first, but makes for a great unobtrusive & stylish background - most of the photographs and other backgrounds put a high "information load" onto the user because they're so full of details and colors. Vector sunset doesn't do that, and gives a nice alternative for people who don't like the above.
I find Green Concentration too bright, I couldn't work on it for a longer time.
Also, there are probably too many blue vector backgrounds in there currently - EOS, Emotion, Blue Curl and Air. They are all brilliant, but might still be too many for the limited number of backgrounds that can go into the set. Probably Emotion should vanish here.
Personally, I find Plasmalicous too fill my screen, I'd drop that one too.
JK Bridge at Night is very unexciting, as is At Night and Lightning. I would drop whichever ones from those you don't need for weather background auto-switch purposes.
Anyway - wallpapers you can remove without doing ME harm:
- vector sunset
- colorado farm
- plasmalicious
- golden ripples
But please, please keep "curls on green" and "ladybuggin"!
Code Poets Dream
Vector Sunset
Blue Curl
Fields of Peace
Fresh Morning
Actually, I find these images (and also Flower Drops and Finally Summer in Germany) better than any that you listed in this post.
You can remove (ugliest first):
There is Rain on the Table
Red Leaf
Curls on Green
For clarity, I checked the wallpapers that are in svn trunk.
In the list that you posted here, I don't like:
in the left column: images 4 and 5
in the right column: image 2
and I definitely like:
in the left column: image 3
in the right column: image 1
Vector Sunset
Red Leaf
And I'm sure you'll pick the best to include in the new ones. ;)
PS: Can you upload all the selected wallpapers (also the ones that aren't going to be included)?
second question... no that is up to the wallpaper submiters the licence is for them to decide..
Im sure most of them will end up on kde-look.
- Plasmalicious
- Ladybuggin
- Vector_Sunset
- Red_Leaf
- There_is_Rain_on_the_Table
A word about the wallpaper proposials. Picture number 6 is the memorial to the killed jews in the Third Reich. I don't have any problems with this fact but it might be to political or religious.
As for the ones in trunk:
At night
vector sunset
default blue, this one is 5 years old
- High Tide
- Plasmalicious
- There is Rain on the Table
- Vector Sunset
- Flower Drops
(Woah, it's almost identical to Ivan's list).
By the way, seems like I don't have Golden Ripples, Skeeter Hawk, Green Concentration, Leafs Labyrinth, Icy Tree or Default Blue.
I would also like to see a minimalistic wallpaper for KDE.
- default blue
- there is rain on the table
- green concentration
- golden ripples
- code poets dream
I would suggest removing two of the blue desktops, and one green one (maybe Curls on Green, since there is another one that is brilliant green). As for what the other two should be, I don't know.
Will you still be accepting photos? I was not able to send you some of mine on time.
I think you should remove those:
- Blue Curl
- Vector Sunset
- Curls on Green
- Flower Drops
- There is rain on the table
- Flower drops
- HighTide
- Vector Sunset
- Blue Curl
- Fields of Peace
My favourite new wallpapers is 5, 6, 11, 12.
What about this wallpaper which won't be include (will it be accessible)?