Back to Oxygen!

Berlin was a lot of fun, must say that I'm deeply impressed by the Amarok people, a wonderful passionate, creative, and interesting group.
I had the chance to share some of my views of, were we can do better visually wise, it went far better than what I had expected, and I have learned a lot in the process. (thats what you get wen working with bright people)

Want to give a huge thanks to KDAB, The KDE e.v., and the Amarok team ror making it possible.
So tomorrow it's back to work and the beguiling of the K3B action icons marathon, hopefully not as complex as kmix was....

Amarok rocks!


Anonymous said…
God speed :)
Anonymous said…
Keep up the brilliant work man :)
mofux said…
i'm sooo sad i couldn't attend :'(
Unknown said…
This is excellent news if your being consulted on Amarok theming decisions (or is it just icons?) as the completely grey interface was one of the less well considered parts.
Health News said…
This is a wonderful site. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.

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