Koffice icons.

Just a quick post to show what I have been up to lately, chart icons for koffice.

P.S. Sorry for the removal of the comments. Its my fault.


Anonymous said…
Oh, and I did want to mention... the icons look fantastic =).
Anonymous said…
Looks great! Fantastic Work!
Johannes said…
Thank you so much Nuno. You're simply the best. I will integrate them into KChart as soon as I get to it. Could you send them to me via email?

- Johannes
Anonymous said…
Nuno, your icons are the best! you do a great job!!

If possible, try to do network icons for Kivio :D Kivio is a great software for network design, but it have very old icons :(
Pinheiro said…
@KistenSchubser they are in oxygen svn.
BTW probaly no more will oxygen icons be shiped to their apps, its cousing duplication of icons all over the place, and its an hell to maintain somthing that is scatered all over the place... so icons will be all in oxygen svn, we will probaly have to move from kdebase svn module.
Anonymous said…
porque não metes publicidade no site?
sempre ajudava nalguma coisa.

também podias fazer alguns tutoriais ou mostrar como desenhas os icons. um bom exemplo seria tipo um video com um tutorial de como criar um estilo para o Plamas.

depois no final pedias para clicarem na publicidade para ajudar...

tambem podias pedir financiamento a revistas de Linux ou sites de tecnologia?. estilo pagarem para obterem em primeira mão planos (mockups?) de versões futuras (sempre acaba por atrair bastante gente, basta ver o caso do mockup do Air KDE4.3)
Dread Knight said…
Neat. The small ones are sort of blurry...
Anonymous said…
i think oxygen icons module is a good idea. Especially for people like my, which are making oxygen-based icons for other FLOSS applications.

If I could only ask for one addition, could there by a list of icons which are not in freedesktop-icons specifications? Sometimes it is really useful to know which icons are not available in other this specifications and are only available for oxygen.
Pinheiro said…
@Dread Knight
coused by the icon montage not the actual icon.
Enderandrew said…
It isn't directly KDE related per se, but most distros ship OpenOffice, even with their KDE desktop. I would really love to see an Oxygen-themed set of icons for use within OpenOffice to have a consistent looking desktop. There have to be some existing Oxygen icons, and some of these KOffice icons that could be reused I would hope.
Anonymous said…

Thomas said…
@Enderandrew reusing the KOffice icons for OpenOffice seems kind of silly to me ;) How would you distinguish them?

Nuno: thanks for working on KOffice stuff, looking forward to more artwork of yours!

Thomas Zander.
Health News said…
This is a wonderful site. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.

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