What I do for a Living :)

Some times people ask me what I do.
My answer is .... well I'm a Civil Engineer. I do bridges an stuff like that mostly scaffolding.
But in reality I'm more of a Resources Manager.
But as i spend so much time in front of a computer making artwork I must call myself an Artist or Designer.
So hi from a Civil Engineer/Resources Manager/Artist/Designer. :)

You would not believe the places were I have drawn icons :)


Tom said…
Hey that's cool! Sometimes it's hard to imagine a person behind a web nickname. Anyway seeing you work in such a different career to icon/graphics design makes your contribution all the more meaningful. I'd just like to say thanks for all the hard work you put into making my desktop look great.

By the way, this is also probably the best looking blog I have seen :D
Anonymous said…
wow nuno, you have pretty much the job I dreamed of growing up. I was more for the architectural engineering but was greatly interested in bridge structures. That is to cool!
Anonymous said…
do tell!!
Anonymous said…
On a crane cabin, on top of a pillar in the midle of a river, inside hollow bridges. On a tunnel construction :)
Well some I remember, I usuly cary a scatch book so i might have done icons in much wild places...
kedadi said…
hi nuno, it seems that you have a nice job, anyways, when i saw your face, you remembered me Barças Deco :D
Anonymous said…

Um abraço ;)
jimmac said…
Awesome hat :)
So the queestion is: probably u earn a lot for your job, so, 2 questions:

1. where do u find out time for be a creative
2. don'tu u like be a civil engineer or don't u like to be a creative only?


Anonymous said…
@abusi dolomitici
I wish I did, but no I dont. Civil Engineers in Portugal don't make alot of money.
The time is the thing I twist the most :)
Honest opinion I think im a beter artist than a Civil Engineer (speciy doing mostly managementn ot actual engeniering), secondly I love KDE.
Anonymous said…
hi nunho, your job is amazing!..but...i've an answer.. how do you do to council autoca// and linux?..:) i'm courious, cuz now i'm very attracted by kde four, but i've the limit of the a-desk addiction!! bye..thanks for your work..stunning amazing.
Anonymous said…
hi nuno

i just want to say that i love your work and i really appreciate it, and i agree with you, you're a great artist ;)

oh and btw, nice hat ;P
astronauta said…
hi Nuno!

you're like a super-hero. Living the ordinary life of a common engineer in the day and a super designer by night! Saving the world from the ugliness of MS Windows and the likes!!!

Anonymous said…
you simply rock!
Anonymous said…
nuno rocks, best artist ever!
Anonymous said…
Granda Nuno! Claro que depois as pontes não se aguentam :D
Health News said…
I can't believe how much of this I just wasn't aware of. Thank you for bringing more information to this topic for me. I'm truly grateful and really impressed.
Very informative post. Thanks for taking the time to share your view with us.

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