Not the final ones, but...

I don't have the final wallpapers to announce today, only tomorrow. But I will let you have, totally for free, one I did today. ;)


Anonymous said…
Very ugly :/ More than last official wallpaper.
Anonymous said…
Ignore the troll, this is awsome work!
Great tecnique on the drops. Keep up the great work!
Anonymous said…
The wallpaper is cool.
But it isn't high enugh for my screen.
emptybloh said…
good technque, but I would never place that wallpaper on my desktop.
Anonymous said…
Doesn't work for me. Streaming light behind drops is not refracted through them, making the pic look artificial and, frankly, lame.
Autumn Autist said…
não tem nada a ver mas lembrou-me

um abraço (não me parece lame...)
Sébastien said…
Wonderfull !!!
I love this one :D

Keep up with your great work.

Anonymous said…
simfox this is true vercto image not blender .... unless im some sort of refraction light genius and have nothing to do with my time this as good as it get's im just hapy to be able to roproduce in vector somthing thas is mostly comon in raytrace or less comon in photoshop.
Anonymous said…
very ugly.
Maybe a nice job & Techniwue, but ugly.
NEVER make it default KDE Wallpaper, it would be a disaster...
Anonymous said…
Good work, but simply not suitable for a wallpaper. As a desktop background it is very unprofessional.
I don't say it's not beutiful, it's just not good for its purpose.

Keep it up!
Anonymous said…
i don't like it
Javier said…
I like it, except for the roundness of every drop. Makes them look really fake if they're all the same.
Anonymous said…
not exactly your best work ever but still pretty good!

I'm looking forward to KDE4 especially of course its visual aspect - thanks for that in advance :D
Anonymous said…
I thought I'd leave a comment simply because everyone else is leaving such negative comments.
I love the picture and I've set it as my background.

Is the vector file anywhere to download, I'd like a native resolution file for my desktop.

Keep up the great work on oxygen, can't wait to see the finished project
Luis Augusto said…
Any wallpaper in the tar package in your website is 100 times better than the last 2 you blogged about.

I think it looks old, boring and plain simple.

Just to clarify, I'm not bashing you, 99% of the time I love your work.
David said…
It's very nice. I used the Oxygen wallpaper for a while and loved it. You should disable anonymous comments, it's full of trolls around, specially when somebody shows the results of his hard work, the typical I-can't-do-nothing-but-I-feel-an-expert guy will come here and giving you shit. At least, put your name and give a "real" motivation instead of "is bad", "is ugly" ... you should better shut up if you can't come with anything constructive.
Anonymous said…
Very nice work! Ignore the trolls (or troll, I can't imagine there are that many that dislike it).
Anonymous said…
Hey, that one looks really cool! Either there are much trolls around today, or it's simply a matter of taste if you like it or not.

I like it very much as wallpaper on my desktop.
Anonymous said…
"Ignore the troll, this is awsome work!
Great tecnique on the drops. Keep up the great work!"

I'm Troll ? Lol.. because I don't like it?? You are funy.

This drops is very ugly, all the same (only rescaled) and not realistic. Very weak image.
Anonymous said…
@ anonymous
No they are not the same, there are 3 big groups and each group has 3 mascs applied on it.
But hey you dont like it its fine no one is forcing you to like it.
Dough can you point-me to similar wallpapers in full vector?
Anonymous said…
i like the background (without the drops).. the drops make the icons on the desktop hard to capture with the eyes.
Anonymous said…
Hey, what about the vector image? It would be really awesome if you could load it up too, so that also people with a bigger screen resoluton than 1024x768 can enjoy the wallpaper.
Anonymous said…
why not landscape ?
Anonymous said…
fucking ugly, i don't like bubbles
Unknown said…
Shut up, bloody troll!
Unknown said…
I agree with David... it is better if you disable the anonymous comments. I can't understand why some people are able to give them opinion but not the name. But this is your blog and you have to decide about this.

About this wallpaper, I like it and I am using it. The only remarks are about the form of the drops: are too circular and remember bubbles IMHO

Forgive my english :P
Anonymous said…
Beatiful. Can't wait for the higher resolutions.
What namely you're saying is a terrible blunder.
What namely you are writing is a horrible mistake.

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