Yes Oxygen does icons 2!

After a rather big period without actually making icons, cause I seem to have dispersed myself into several other areas of oxygen work, today i decided to actually do some icons.
And decided to do the icon of one of apps i use the most in KDE, akregator...Hope every one likes it, I do!



Anonymous said…
beautiful, thumbs up!
Anonymous said…
Ooh shiny. Great work Nuno :) I like the use of the now-standard RSS icon. I wonder whether it might be better to have the icon facing the user directly in the small (< 32x32 px) versions?
Pinheiro said…
32x32 Seams ok 2 to me its the second smalest in the picture.
for 22 and 16 i might do that.
sim0n said…
That icon is so stunning !! :-)
Anonymous said…
Muito bom ;)
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
really beautiful
Unknown said…
Aarrrgh... this is so beautiful it hurts my eyes :P
Anonymous said…
I agree with that second anonymous, in the smaller sizes, it may be easier to see what the icon is if it is not angled. Otherwise, great job man, not anything I could ever do!

Thanks for your work!
Anonymous said…
ahh akregator the nice app with the massively spammed wiki
Anonymous said…
That is perfect. However with the smallest icons (16x16) the glasses and the white symbol are little hard to see. The rest makes me *drool* *Drool*
Anonymous said…
Very nice Nuno ;o)
Anonymous said…
looks really good, however, i would drop the glasses even in the big versions. the rss-icon is so widely used (even microsoft uses it), so it may be better to use the "standard" one with the frontal view... i ask myself: what's the purpose of the glasses anyway? is it a metaphor for "reading"? then "glasses" would be a general metaphor for "reading something", but in fact they aren't because if they were, apps like okular, kpdf and so on could use glasses as well (and they don't).
Anonymous said…
Nuno, it's simply beautiful.

Good work man..
Pinheiro said…
Okular also uses glasses :)
check out Okular site.
Anonymous said…
I don't know why the rss icons dot and waves start in the lower left corner, but if it could be placed in the top left instead, it would give room for some slightly larger/more 'solid' glasses that would be more clearly visible in the very small sizes. either way it's reeaaally pretty ^^
Pinheiro said…
Tank you so much for your kind comments, its our fuel.
The rss icon is the standard icons for rss that oxygen uses.

PS daviD dules
Anonymous said…
Just perfect - keep that as it is! Window theme used to be nice but has taken a dive recently though.
Anonymous said…
I like it a lot, and i think the glasses should stay, even if other applications are already using them.
i kinda like the concept of a sign that say that this application is about to read something
Autumn Autist said…
gosto muito, parabens!!
Anonymous said…
Why the glasses, it's much nicer without it
Anonymous said…
A great icon visually but perhaps it would signify what akregator does better if you switch the glasses for a chain or some such?
Anonymous said…
sjef! (Norwegian for "This rules)

Best icons ever :)
Nikhil said…
Really good icon! I couldn't understand the relation between glasses and feed reading though
sebas said…
It's really beautiful. The small size could do with a bit bigger glasses though.
jospoortvliet said…
Yeah, the small size might have larger glasses, and maybe the white waves could be larger as well... ?
Anonymous said…
why don't you do the quarter circles and the dot bigger? so that it fills the complete orange background like those RSS-icons normally look?

just wondering, looks great so or so ;)
Anonymous said…
Those glasses look like out dated and old fashioned!!
Simply put: A M A Z I N G @@@
Kishan Bobba said…
Cool Icon
Unknown said…
Would you happen to have a tutorial on how to do these types of icons?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
wow! cool artwork :)

is it originally vector image. svg?

i like shiny shiny icons :D
Pinheiro said…
its full svg and you can download it from kde svn
berkus said…
It's really great!

But the smallsize icons is not very readable, maybe it can do without the glasses.

Not many uses for such small icons nowadays, but may be used for example in neo1973 tray icon ;)
You know that the RSS feed icon is trademarked by the Mozilla Corporation? I wouldn't use trademarks.
Pinheiro said…
RSS feed icon
Anonymous said…
Awesome work! I love the fact and not sure why no one else hasn't stated it, but you even capture the effect of Refraction through both lens in a consistent fashion.. very cool.
Unknown said…
Hi, uh the icon looks good.. but somehow it looks weird. If you look closely enough, I know that you try to create some sort of effect for the RSS cube 'behind' the glass of the spectacles.

But, the lines crossing the glasses seem to be wrong?
Anonymous said…
are you refering to the magnification effect nuno has used, or the reflection of the actual glass of the glasses.

To my eyes it looks perfect. Congrats nuno! (i dont know why i havent replied earlier?!)
Unknown said…
I am referring to the magnification effect. By first glance, it looks really good. By second glance, it looks just a bit off. Just take a look closely how the magnification works and imagine how the RSS cube look like if there were no magnification.
Pinheiro said…
you guys think to much :P
that lens thing is just a detail, the way lens workd depends alot on the type of problem of its user. I based that efect on how my glases work here.
Kishan Bobba said…

Thanks for inviting me to join in the IRC. I would like to participate and share my ideas when ever possible for me. Based on comments i did a mokeup of the calender and clock. Though i did it in hurry, It is general view of what i mean to say about padding.


Thanks for the elaborated reply.

Any way I just love all the icons.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
It is pretty, good job! :)
ragerino said…
would be great if fat borders only fade in on mouseover.

apart of this, great work. please give us more of this.
Anonymous said…
you took my breath away...can you give me the URL of the svg file...

The Soul and The Witness
Anonymous said…
I love it, and I am sure everyone else will. ;)
Anonymous said…
Those are sweet. I'm already trying to create unique RSS icons but I'm not very good at it.reverse cell lookup
Carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis and is also an important absorber and emitter of infrared radiation. Ozone in the stratosphere (see ozone layer) is an effective absorber of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun but at ground-level is a corrosive pollutant and a major constituent of smog.
pedro velasquez said…
The Oxygen icon theme was started by David Vignoni during the first Appeal Project meeting held in Berlin on March 2005. The very first versions of the folder design,dominical costa rica tours were following the Nuvola style, using vibrant colors, outlines and a cartoonish look and feel (Figure 1). Then it was decided to change everything and adopt a photo-realistic icon style, moving to a very high standard of graphics quality. The default size we would like for icon view is 128×128. With big icons in fact we do a good thing for usability purposes and at the same time make user eye happy to enjoy such nice graphics.
Health Blog said…
Those glasses look like out dated and old fashioned .

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