Something different 2.0

Ok, has promised some new images for your avatar needs.

Now were should i put this ones?


sebas said…
Player images for KDE games?
Avatars for kopete, maybe?
User faces for kdm?
Anonymous said…
These are great! I also loved the ones you posted the other day! Please post them on somewhere, and tell us where!
Unknown said…
Nice and funny :)

In another subject, I was wondering if there is a dedicated team for creating and choosing the wallpapers in KDE4 or if this is a task for the distributions ?

KDE really need some high quality photography (nature, landscape...) :)
Pinheiro said…
Well i taken a bit of that responsability, along wir our oficial photografer KWWII, we are still missing on a good defoult one, and i promised myself to d at least 2 good svg's.
if you guys ane outstanding photoas plees send me a bus or somthing im serachinf fora a good bananaleafs wallpaper...
Anonymous said…
they're really funny.

THEY OUGHT TO BE INCLUDED IN KDE; maybe for people to use in Kopete or for User Picture.

I love the orange four-eyed alien.
Anonymous said…
Love them, my love!!!

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