Back to Portugal !

So after some really productive days in Italy with David, Casper, Riccardo, and Thomas, i must say I'm much more confident about the entire widget project, the ideas that are in the table right now are pointing all in the same direction, and that is desktop integration the style will start to reflect in the coming days all the ideas we talked about in this days during the meeting.
There are only some minor things that we need to fine tune in terms of what we want.
And we talked about all sorts of cool ideas for the next kde cycle, like visual integration of plasma and the widget theme, what is good and bad right now with the icons, target group users, and life in general.
Its wonderful to work with people like the kde people, we might not agree always but share the same goals.

So its good to be home again, its great to be a part of kde.

Thank you so much!!!


Anonymous said…
One thing I wondered about for quite some time now:
In Vista as well as in the newest OS X you have the window decoration actually merging with the application window.

But for apps which do not support that there is always still a compatibility mode.

Would something like that be possible in KDE as well? Given that there would be also a compatibility mode for apps running in another window manager or apps from other window managers?
Pinheiro said…
hummm great question and one that i dont have a definitive anser for you right now. i think we will need to do a version of the windek that deals well with that.....
Unknown said…

Existe algum repositório dos ícones Oxygen disponível?

Anonymous said…
[si o hai, é o oficial do KDE: ]

Anyway, I wonder myself what's the image of this post? Is that any clue for what we are about to see in the oxygen theme, maybe the windec?.maybe some wallpaper? As far as I "know"/"seen" it won't, so... Anyway, it's really apealling and I'd like to see more of that.

Go oxygen!. lol!.
Unknown said…
We definetly need windows that let move themselves by clicking anywhere like os x has it! What we need aditionally is os x like windo placement. I think gnome has it...

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