The sun is gone

Total eclipse of the Sun, this morning wen i was going to work the moon pass wright in front of the sun, unfortunately my cellular camera is very bad in the picture i took is very bad, but you get the point.
It was a very exiting thing to see, cause it was a total eclipse, the only problem was that it took place to early in the morning 9:45 and the moon was still to small in the orison so it didn't get to dark. any way it was nice, and now i can say that "I SAW A TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN".

And that is almost what happened to me after Malaga, that i totally eclipsed from the blogg, but that has an as good explanation as the real eclipse, I am swamped with work, really swamped. so no time for webloguing or anything else for that mater.
but i think i got much of that covered this weekend, and i managed the finish today the logo
Fab invited me to do, well its only part of what he asked me but i plan to finish the layout for the site this weekend "I promise fab ;)"
PS Congrats to David :)

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Anonymous said…
Next time you may want to try a spell checker... but I still was able to figure out what you where trying to say ;-)
Anonymous said…
Actually the eclipse was just an annular eclipse (as the moon was too far away from the earth to cover the whole solar disc -- something that is neither related to the moon's distance to the horizon nor the time of day).
The next "real" total eclipse will happen on March 29, 2006 and will be visible from Turkey and Egypt.

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