
For the past days in have been working on an icon for Kolourpaint, and also a nice business card for KDE.
Well the card is coming along, but i think it has still has a lot of work to be done.
But the Kolourpaint icon is done.

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My first idea was to make some splashed ink on the bottom, but some ideas really don't work ;).
Any way, i am now counting the days to the akademy.


Anonymous said…
Hm, sexual context here
Anonymous said…
It's "Kolourpaint", not "Kolorpaint".
Pinheiro said…
Sory about that, :(
I have just fixed it.
philipp said…
the brush looks great (especially the detail on the wood), but i would say that the blue drop looks too much like the green so i would change the hue a bit.. but anyway you did a great job on it :)
Anonymous said…
really good, and I second the 'make the blue more deep' mention :-)
also: would sorting the drops as R-G-B instead of G-B-R be more meaningful ?
cool work!
Unknown said…
Great icons, but....

Boudewijn wrote that Krita had a new icon too. Also a brush. So both applications have a quite similar icon.
Anonymous said…
good idea on the changing the drops position.
that way i will not even nead to change the blue
Anonymous said…
Hi Pinheiro!

Very nice work!
please contact me at MSN

Anonymous said…
Parabéns pela excelente contribuição com o Software Livre.
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