Oxygen screencast

So i spent a few minutes setting up this screencast of the progress so far in Oxygen Animations, unfortunately there is no real good place to store the ogg file :( and the youtube compression make it look a bit bad (please view in hi def)
Any way enjoy we will publish more as soon as we get more animations in.
a torrent to a better avi file.


Unknown said…
I've seen other KDE screencasters use blip.tv, with accompanying links to the .ogg file (provided by blip.tv). Was that not an option for some resaon?

Thanks for the screencast though. It was easy to follow, and seeing how the improvements worked together cohesively was nice. Looking forward to getting it on my machines.
Unknown said…
It looks beautiful. The only big thing I'd like to see added to KDE's aesthetics is a slight blur behind glassy elements (like Windows Aero).
Unknown said…
Is there any intention of also adding animations to the widget theme?
Pinheiro said…
@maniacmusician thank you next time I will try that.

@Jay not all video graphic displays can do blur sooo :)

@Frederic yes of course my next video will be about those... its mostly transitions and stuff like that
Anonymous said…
what's that big bar sliding from the top? Is it the standard panel? It looks more like a "sliding dashboard"
Anonymous said…
why do people like blur, it makes things look well blurry and unreadable, it looks bad and is distracting, if transparency alone is too distracting(because you concentrate too much on what us underneath), you are using it wrong(and maybe too much).
Fri13 said…
@Anonymous "what's that big bar sliding from the top? Is it the standard panel? It looks more like a "sliding dashboard""

It is socialdesktop widget what comes down from up. Very nice idea because you do not always want to see all people and friends on your desktop or go to dashboard because of that.

More widgets should be possible to get "tied" to side of screen and come when moving mouse forward.

OT: is it anyway possible to get the panels autohiding animation detection area )with blue edge when moving mouse closer the panel) to be any bigger? Like now it is something 20px what means the mouse is already on the edge. I would like to see it somewhere 1/4 or even 1/3 part of the screen to start showing up and ending up to be stronger than now.
Fri13 said…
Correction. I watched the video now on the youtube site so I could see the whole video. (Nuno, on your site the video gets only 60% view on HD) and it really is somekind "sliding widget container". Very cool! Hopefully it is such that people can add own widgets there ;)

And finally there is no borders on the Oxygen windeco. One reason why I do not like to use it because konsole and other few applications has a ugly 1px border on them.

Is that blue active shadow now easy to change to some other color than the one what is active window decoration? There was talk that the shadow plugin from KWin effects place will be removed and all the shadow settings would go to the KWin decoration options so every decoration can itself make own shadows and there is no one global place. That was discussed by some people on #kde and I think it is not wise action.
The shadow plugin only would need other option to offer selecting shadow for active one and not just stronger one. :)
Fri13 said…
@Anonymous. (First sorry about spamming blog comments ;))

"why do people like blur, it makes things look well blurry and unreadable, it looks bad and is distracting"

I like the blur when you get it strong enough. That would mean the text or graphic below should not be possible to read or recognize. The old blur plugin what was removed because being buggy one, did not do good job. It was too light blur.
Thats why I am waiting they will add the blur back (fixed) and allows extra functions. Like a notification will blink clearly and fade to blurred mode while all others are blurred and the active window is clear. That way I could easily notice the task what wants my attention.
Pinheiro said…
@Fri13 you can set it up as you want, example dolphin as borders,
@Anonymous its just an extra pannel I set up to put widgets actually its not to nice as i would like it to hold 1 second before pooping up it messes with the hit area of windows
Unknown said…
it sure does look pretty, and I've been very impressed with all of your work Pinheiro; and I'm aware it's not even something you're working on, but the video really brings it to attention - even Windows 95 can smoothly resize windows. Why can't KDE/Qt? (or even GTK+) :D
Anonymous said…
@Fri13: it really is somekind "sliding widget container". Very cool! Hopefully it is such that people can add own widgets there ;)

In fact, that is the standard panel with 3 plasmoids, but the panel is bigger. You make the panel bigger enough so that the plasmoids inside it show themselves instead of just icons.

As we can see, Plasma can really be the desktop we want it to be... and I still read sometimes that "the desktop isn't flexible as at 3.5 :P)
Anonymous said…
@Jarrad Whitaker
Its due to the Xserver and not because of gtk or qt. I really hate that. One bad thing thats not fixed for a long time. Maybe google chrome OS will bring us a xserver replacement that would fix this problem.
Anonymous said…
The video should indicate the song title/author, so I wouldn't be asking right now!!

By the way Good work!
Pinheiro said…
@Anonymous the song is the oxygen theme song made by Oxygen member Nuno Povoa.
Like most things In oxygen Its LGPL
Anonymous said…
how soon till window tabbing?!?!
Anonymous said…
Awesome, as usual :)
b said…
Thevideobay.org is great hosting for ogg videos.
Nece228 said…
The windows decoration effect when you push button reminds me of win xp silver style. When you press it, the gradient inverts itself (just like in win xp silver). Animations are nice, but not very usable to me. I would love to see some work on qt theme instead of windec, since it really could look better on some areas. But thats just my 2 cents :)
Stefan said…
Where can I get those awesome wallpapers (that are shown in Dolphin)?
Pinheiro said…
@Stefan in opensuse was part of the kde openservice thing.

I remind all distros that we do this for free :)
Unknown said…
what is that font that you are using?
Pinheiro said…
@Guilherme Aiolfi Liberation Sans size 8 medium hinting no RGB hinting
Nece228 said…
Well, the latest oxygen qt theme changes are looking very nice. The buttons have more visible gradient, and it looks just awesome. Also, after few days i started to like windec. I have to say, that it is the most unique windec theme i ever seen in open source world. I am very happy on how oxygen is great today.
One question though, why the cashew menu is so ugly in kde 4.4? I mean it is so big for just few buttons, also theres lot of unused space. I also hate that it is almost opaque. I liked cashew menu in kde 4.3, it was transparent, nice and minimalistic.
Anonymous said…
People keep suggessting semi-transparency + blur for UI elements, just 'cause Windows Vista does it that way.

Something that looks *way* better, though, and also doesn't rely on expensive graphics hardware, is using semi-transparency + gradients + smooth texturing, like in the awesome Air theme for Plasma.

My question is: If Plasma widgets can look that slick, why do normal windows and widget backgrounds still need to be boring solid grey areas? Why can't Oxygen look more Air'y?
Anonymous said…
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Kjetil Kilhavn said…
It looks nice, and although you are probably not the correct recipient for this I'll mention one thing I think is missing.
The window button animations look like a nice touch, but they don't help much with what I see as the biggest problem - people hit the wrong button too often. Now OS X have had icon zooming in the dock for a while. How about creating the first user interface with button zooming (and extend that to menu items)?

I don't have problems with very often myself, but some people with a less steady hand than me - such as my parents :) - hit the close button when they intend to maximize.

And how annoying is it not when you intend to activate a unit in Civilization and instead happen to hit "dissolve" because those to menu items are neighbours.

With window button zooming and menu item zooming these minor accidents would happen less frequently.

I have no idea what the performance hit would be, but speaking for myself and probably my parents (when I get them converted from Vista to GNU/Linux) the zooming would be a more useful feature than the colour change you apply when the mouse is over the button.

Let me add though, that I think the colour change is really neat and eye-candy is never a bad thing.
Anonymous said…
wow, the button zooming idea sounds truly great! it'd greatly help netbooks with a touchscreen.
...and pinheiro, you're just awesome.. you cant imagine how many ppl appreciate your work and your talent. Thanx a lot to you and all the kde team.. you all deserve the best!
Pinheiro said…
zooming on over would only be possible via some hack in kwin and heven that i'm not sure I asked for somthing similar for the corner draging and it lead to much problems :(
i like this blog , only thing my machines
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