The California Gold Rush....

"brought a flood of treasure 1848 " To San Francisco.... in 2011 people are still flooding to the valley in search of .... treasures.... or, well something like that :). (end of silly introductory text) I'm not going to try to go against the wave, so I will be attending the Qt Developer Days San Francisco were we will be giving a training on Designing UIs with Qt Quick I like to call this training Qml for designers as it is IMO the main focus of this training. This will be the second time I'm doing this training in just one day, First time was in devdays Munich just a few weeks ago.., and the feed back was good. Given that I expect that just like in Munich most of the attendees are Developers, and that the full training is over 4 days, we will try to focus a bit on the social/management aspects of dealing with designers that try to do code, we will also do some examples of design techniques that can be used in QML to provide the users wit...