It is out! The answer....

Kde 4.2 aka "the answer" is out.
I'm extremely proud of being a part of the wonderful community that created this amazing desktop.

Be happy enjoy 4.2


Anonymous said…
Hello! I tested KDE 4.2 final today, and I gotta congratulate the KDE team, including you, for another step in KDE's applications, design and innovation. I hope you all continue with the nice work you've been doing.
Tomasz Dudzik said…
I'm happy with it :D It's the best DE ever :D A big thanks to all KDE team.
PNeves said…

Os meus mais sinceros parabéns. Fizeram um trabalho incrível. Tenho estado a usar o KDE 4 desde a versão 4.1 e cada vez que sai uma nova versão, tudo fica melhor....

Continuem com o excelente trabalho!!!
Anonymous said…
KDE 4.2 is so awesome, I can only imagine what 4.3 will be like :)

oxygen rocks!! We can't live without it, literally ;)
Anonymous said…
kde 4.2 rocks 4.3 will fly ;)
Anonymous said…
Sorry that i`m post in here but Nuno what do you think about this:
Anonymous said…
think it is nice but im prety sure has qt style goes it is not codable.. yeha I know it sucks :)
with qt 4.5 we will be able to do beter stuf..

the big kde buton is doable but the windows (example max. windows) wont be able to auto glue to the real pannel but to the ent of that big k so its a no go.. some one can ty to do that via a wird hack with multiple pannels but wont be nice I gess...
Anonymous said…
I just tested it through Arch Linux and must say that it is great. The best thing about it is it's creativeness. Take great tools like Parley, Ktuberling, comics widget and even the ruler is very useful. The little things here and there are making it much much useful (though a bit slower too) Looks like I will switch from Gnome! only Gnome's faster...

And i must say excellent artwork! it's really amazing!
Anonymous said…
Its' really really great. just waiting for kdevelop though...
Health News said…
This is a wonderful site. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.

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