Air and KDE 4.3.
Air was the wallpaper we introduced in KDE 4.2, but that is just the beginning of something larger. Air is supposed to be different than what Oxygen is, something that tries to appeal to a user base looking for a more "sexy" experience than Oxygen (yeah I know you are out there :) ), but to still have the capability of merging nicely with what we have now. The first thing we started working on was a Plasma theme. Plasma, with it's immense plasticity and a fantastic coder team, allows us to try to push for new ideas. Another extremely cool thing about Plasma is it's ability to become anything you want it to be. So a user in KDE 4.3 might have a desktop that looks like this, if that is his wish, without having to use external software: (click for fullscreen mode) This is an example of how simple one can make a desktop in the 4.3 Plasma once we all manage to get all of our plans working. The new systray speck will help, the work being done on the task bar will allow you ...
Looks very nice!
At a first sight I see the purple and blue working better than green.
Love the curls.
I like blue the best, green is also good and I can see the appeal of the violet.
Color ?
I think the blue one, I mean, we are KDE, so ? ;-)
I also like the green one, on my personal list the violet one would score a third place.
But actually, although they look very nice, I wouldn't use them as wallpaper. Not sure why. Somehow it feels quite "static", not as "dynamic" as mainly horizontal structures. Or maybe it's the feeling that I'm seeing a small part of something bigger, so I'd like to see the whole thing. Or maybe the the structure divides the screen into two parts due to the quite strong vertical branch in the center. Not sure. Somehow for me it doesn't feel right as a wallpaper. Maybe the big branch is too dominant.
version of this artwork ?
ditto on the too harsh highlight comments
will this be available with raptor-menu?
mas claro, isto tudo é subjectivo e esta é apenas a minha opinião.
mais uma vez obrigado pelo trabalho e empenho dedicado!! :)
(ps. desculpa a resposta em português mas o meu inglês é insuficiente para poder expressar-me... e não queira, acima de tudo, dar os parabéns pelo trabalho )
The pink (magenta) is too bright.
And the Green looks like a sick alien.
At first I tried the pruple, but it was too bright in the left I think.
Would be cool to have svg wallpapers that you can customize their color pallets somehow :-)
(P.S.: i don't really think the default plasma theme is that great; we should aim for a more popular one in time, my favorite is glassified so far).
Keep it up!
(if it is to replace the current kdm/splash background)
But remove the bubbles, they look akward.
I agree, the bubbles don't fit well with the rest of the design/style.
Though there seem to be a lot of different opinions so offering a range was clearly a good move
The black one is wonderful especially second one :
and also blue one is so nice
Thanks again and again :D
the purple seems to be brighter than the other for some reason, but it is just as nice.
I think we have enough green wallpapers even though it looks good. We also have a fair number of blue wallpapers already.
BTW. - it is already set as my wallpaper :-)
I will try to look out a way to render this on the fly so you can set you color, wont be easy dough. Maybe in 4.2 we can try something like that...
Anyway, they are all lovely, but the purple one is the worse, because of that glitch with the highlight. Between the blue and the green, I can't choose. It depends on the style and color scheme of the rest of the desktop.
Still, it's a nice design concept and KDE colours or not, the blue colour scheme works well. Personally the bubbles don't bother me, but I wouldn't mind some more detail in a few selected areas.
I'm a big fan of your work (rock on Oxygen!). Thanks for making KDE4 look so all around awesome. :)
They look great.
No really-- Assuming that started as a SVG pick a half dozen dominant oxygen colours and ship them all.
_James Spencer
Weirdly I am wondering how it would work in yellow
For weeks already
It works well for dark colors (as blue) but not for more brighter ones.
In KDE you can already do this by changing the desktop color and blending it with the "background" image. I'm sure in Plasma on KDE 4 this is even better where the desktop color is hinted at by the theme. That way you can ship a beautiful piece of artwork and leave the colors up to the end user based on their current theme.
it's sorta nice but it's not natural and not real. unlike say mac's and vista's abstract wallpapers (or EOS) which are very organic.
for that matter i've never seen a likable svg wallpaper. the lack of texture/detail is a dealbreaker sorry :)
but if you're gonna add it anyway please kill/fix the bubbles
Imo they make nice wallpapers.