Candy comes in many colors....

So its just one question, Do you think this works as an wallpaper?

And if so in which color?


Anonymous said…
Yes, I vote for blue (
Looks very nice!
Anonymous said…
Lovely theme.
At a first sight I see the purple and blue working better than green.

Love the curls.
Anonymous said…
Damn nuno you do good work.

I like blue the best, green is also good and I can see the appeal of the violet.
I think the contrast is a little too "busy" and distracts from the elements on the desktop for myself and presumably a large number of other people. Tone down the harshness of the highlights to make it a little calmer and less distracting (see Apple's default wallpapers for reference), and you've got yourself a winner.
drunkenbullfrog said…
green's nice, be nicer if it were a povray image generated at system start and stuffed in the wallpaper folder with a consistent name.
Anonymous said…
I think the blue would be more proper because it matchs the KDE colors, nonetheless they all look pretty nice! Nice work Nuno !
Anonymous said…
Looks very nice :-)
Color ?
I think the blue one, I mean, we are KDE, so ? ;-)
I also like the green one, on my personal list the violet one would score a third place.

But actually, although they look very nice, I wouldn't use them as wallpaper. Not sure why. Somehow it feels quite "static", not as "dynamic" as mainly horizontal structures. Or maybe it's the feeling that I'm seeing a small part of something bigger, so I'd like to see the whole thing. Or maybe the the structure divides the screen into two parts due to the quite strong vertical branch in the center. Not sure. Somehow for me it doesn't feel right as a wallpaper. Maybe the big branch is too dominant.

Anonymous said…
I like the green. The shapes already suggest something vine-like and the green emphasizes this.
aroedl said…
I love the green one - it's so calm... :)
Unknown said…
The blue one.
Anonymous said…
I love the blue and green ones.
reldruH said…
I'm a fan of the blue but what I'm curious about is if we're ever going to have a changing background; something that will move from green to blue to violet. Or like the google homepage, changing with time of day, or weather (based on the weather data engine)?
Could i get a black / grey / white
version of this artwork ?
Unknown said…

ditto on the too harsh highlight comments

will this be available with raptor-menu?
Anonymous said…
antes de mais parabéns pelo excelente trabalho junto da comunidade opensource. Relativamente ás imagens de fundo, são, de facto, bonitas mas na minha humilde opinião, podem ser feitos alguns ajustes. acho que resultam melhor as imagens mais limpas, sem tantos traços e rabiscos que distraem muito, especialmente quando dispomos vários elementos no desktop. depois, as linhas com "blur" tipo desfocadas tendem a cansar os olhos porque estes estão constantemente a tentar focar a imagem. Pessoalmente acho que as grandes áreas resultam melhor quando existe um predomínio das cores suaves em tons azuis, verdes e cinzentos "carvão"...
mas claro, isto tudo é subjectivo e esta é apenas a minha opinião.
mais uma vez obrigado pelo trabalho e empenho dedicado!! :)

(ps. desculpa a resposta em português mas o meu inglês é insuficiente para poder expressar-me... e não queira, acima de tudo, dar os parabéns pelo trabalho )
Anonymous said…
i LOVE it. especially the blue one. but i think the bubbles seems to be a little out of place.
Anonymous said…
The Blue one is perfect! (mas mesmo)

The pink (magenta) is too bright.

And the Green looks like a sick alien.
Anonymous said…
I like the Blue one. It's more KDE! =)
Anonymous said…
I like the green one best, but just release an alpha-png or a svg, so everybody can choose his own color
Anonymous said…
@ Ömer Fadıl USTA
Thomas DA said…
They are excellent! I use the green one right now.
At first I tried the pruple, but it was too bright in the left I think.
Anonymous said…
Hey! they are all really good. The blue is clearly the more KDE'ish, but the violet is really interesting IMHO. Ill try it when i switch to kde4 (think it would look good with the new black/transparent visuals).
Dread Knight said…
Fricking Awsome!

Would be cool to have svg wallpapers that you can customize their color pallets somehow :-)

(P.S.: i don't really think the default plasma theme is that great; we should aim for a more popular one in time, my favorite is glassified so far).

Keep it up!
Elv13 said…
The blue is the best. But you will need to design the new splash skin to match with it. A darker blue, nothing shiny/glossy, soft appearance would do the job.

(if it is to replace the current kdm/splash background)
Anonymous said…
These are pretty good - specially the blue one :)
But remove the bubbles, they look akward.
Kris said..."But remove the bubbles, they look akward"

I agree, the bubbles don't fit well with the rest of the design/style.
Anonymous said…
I just switched to the purple desktop. I tried the green but I found it a bit too dark/miserable.

Though there seem to be a lot of different opinions so offering a range was clearly a good move
:) You are no1 :D
The black one is wonderful especially second one :
and also blue one is so nice

Thanks again and again :D
Ethan Anderson said…
I want to be able to set a theme key color and have my entire desktop, including background, adapt to it. It so happens that you've nailed my favorite colors ;)
Shriramana said…
Vladislav said…
they all look nice and different people will like different colors.

the purple seems to be brighter than the other for some reason, but it is just as nice.

I think we have enough green wallpapers even though it looks good. We also have a fair number of blue wallpapers already.
Anonymous said…
I am definitely for the blue, and yes I love it!
Gross said…
I love all three of them but green is my favourite colour, so I'm leaning towards green.
Anonymous said…
Great job :-) My vote to green - very, very beautiful! And like one says, it is healthy color for eyes.
BTW. - it is already set as my wallpaper :-)
EagleIJoe said…
Try a redly orange. Looks nice though.
Anonymous said…
They are all cool, but I vote for the blue
Anonymous said…
i love all three, but if i had to pick, it would be the purple one. its the most striking :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks alot. You people are so kind thank you!
I will try to look out a way to render this on the fly so you can set you color, wont be easy dough. Maybe in 4.2 we can try something like that...
Yman said…
Maybe it would be better if the user can choose the color from a configuration dialog? Assuming of course that the original is in SVG...

Anyway, they are all lovely, but the purple one is the worse, because of that glitch with the highlight. Between the blue and the green, I can't choose. It depends on the style and color scheme of the rest of the desktop.
Anonymous said…
Basic idea is solid, but looks a little plain at the moment, like a first draft with the details yet to be added.

Still, it's a nice design concept and KDE colours or not, the blue colour scheme works well. Personally the bubbles don't bother me, but I wouldn't mind some more detail in a few selected areas.

I'm a big fan of your work (rock on Oxygen!). Thanks for making KDE4 look so all around awesome. :)
Anonymous said…
All are great, but I think the green one has the nicest depth.
Anonymous said…
I think they stylish & work. I like the blue one best, follwed by the greenish. The purple is not my case.
Anonymous said…
Looks nice. I turned them into splash screens;

Gothic said…
The blue looks good =)
Yman said…
@Sebastian Sauer:
They look great.
Unknown said…


No really-- Assuming that started as a SVG pick a half dozen dominant oxygen colours and ship them all.

_James Spencer
Nick Presta said…
I vote Blue as well! Looks great.
Anonymous said…
Really nice, man!! I like the blue one best! =:)
Anonymous said…
I'd love the purple if it was slightly less magenta in shade (deeper, more blue purple), but all of them seem to work.

Weirdly I am wondering how it would work in yellow
Unknown said…
Well, at least the black version works, as it is in use for my desktop ...
For weeks already
Anonymous said…
I think both the blue and the green one look great.
Iuri said…
I would like if those had less blur.
It works well for dark colors (as blue) but not for more brighter ones.
Anonymous said…
I like the green png a lot, but I keep thinking wouldn't this be better as a nice gray scale SVG then allow the user to select a color for it.

In KDE you can already do this by changing the desktop color and blending it with the "background" image. I'm sure in Plasma on KDE 4 this is even better where the desktop color is hinted at by the theme. That way you can ship a beautiful piece of artwork and leave the colors up to the end user based on their current theme.
Anonymous said…
well. i wouldn't like this in the wallpapers but i'm very picky you know :)
it's sorta nice but it's not natural and not real. unlike say mac's and vista's abstract wallpapers (or EOS) which are very organic.

for that matter i've never seen a likable svg wallpaper. the lack of texture/detail is a dealbreaker sorry :)

but if you're gonna add it anyway please kill/fix the bubbles

Unknown said…
Green and blue work better than the purple one. Purple is too light and loses a lot of detail because of that. And blue and green ones look cooler and like they have a somehow bumpy texture (especially green), which I like. They're somehow more robust, while the purle one is too smooth. And I don't really like the color purple. Also I noticed the green has some more lines, but the blue one looks somewhat cooler and at some places it has nicer shades than green.
Imo they make nice wallpapers.
Anonymous said…
These are great wallpapers, Is there any way to get the original SVG? I would like to be able to change the colors.
Anonymous said…
Why not do a black curls one (kde 4.1.2 login background)?
TheNottellingyou said…
The blue one has been my background ever since i got this computer it works well with oxygen on Kde

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